Never had a stich, nor had surgery. Got a few scars from almost stiches though.
Speaking of which...this one time when I was about 10 years old, I was a crazy little jerk running around Office Max while my Mother and my siblings went shopping for stuff. Anyways, I was looking at some ownage computer(back then), and in the process of trying to boggle at the computer and run down the aisle like the little jerk I was, I ran straight into one of those large metal pillars. Needless to say, glasses + head twisted so that the right eye just hit the corner of the pillar + sudden reverse acelleration == bleeding torrents down my right eyebrow.
I was lucky that they didnt have to do any stiches there, because they would have had to shave my right eyebrow off. Even today, 9 years later, I still have a line of missing hair through the middle of my right eyebrow, and my right eye still doesnt open as wide as my left eye. Moral: If youre gonna look at an ownage computer, slow the fvck down!
Damn little kids.