Who are the Intelligent Conservative Commentators


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2012
I usually try to listen to Joe Scarborough in the morning. His guests usually lead to good conservations on the topics of the day. But, it's tough to watch him; I think he's superficial at best. Anytime I hear him, it brings me back to Zbigniew Brezinski's conversation with him where he calls him stunningly superficial.


Are there any good conservative intellectual commentators or shows out there? And please don't say Hannity and or Rush. There seems to be a dearth in this area.
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No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
I usually try to listen to Joe Scarborough in the morning. His guests usually lead to good conservations on the topics of the day. But, it's tough to watch him; I think he's superficial at best. Anytime I hear him, it brings me back to Zbigniew Brezinski's conversation with him.


Are there any good conservative intellectual commentators or shows out there? And please don't say Hannity and or Rush. There seems to be a dearth in this area.


Intellectual and conservative do not go together.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2004
Chris Christie:
"But Christie adamantly refused to sacrifice his post, believing that being Romney’s running mate wasn’t worth the gamble.

“[Christie] felt, at one point, that [President] Obama could lose this. And, look, there still is that chance. But he knows, right now, you have to say it’s unlikely,” one source said.

The tough-talking governor believed Romney severely damaged his campaign by releasing only limited tax returns and committing several gaffes during his international tour in July.


This morning Chuck Todd said $400 million of $550 million spent so far (I think those were correct numbers) have been spent on 5 states: Ohio, Virginia, Florida, North Carolina, and Colorado.

If North Carolina (should be +7.7 point Republican home court advantage) is close to a toss up, then gotta wonder if Obama reaching 347 electoral votes is really in play (303 seems baseline, and he could lose both Virginia and Ohio too and still squeak by at 272 electoral votes):


"Although this calculation might seem involved, the way to read the voting index is relatively straightforward. In Missouri, for example, the index is Republican plus 6.7 points. What this means is that if the popular vote were exactly tied nationally, we’d expect the Republican candidate to carry Missouri by 6.7 percentage points."


Seems to me Obama might actually be up by about 5 points in national polls (at least before racist headwinds in certain states http://campaignstops.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/09/how-racist-are-we-ask-google/) if we had access to private polls of campaigns. Stephanie Cutter said she felt turnout would be like 2008, and extrapolating from this dated (2008 Democratic Primary) article I think puts us between the 40/30/20 and best case scenario http://www.burntorangereport.com/diary/5780/). Things can obviously change between now and November (external shock from Europe or China?), but right now that's where race feels to me (which would also explain that ridiculous poll from Florida (Romney 54 - 40?) recently - they reveal the desperation and exasperation of Republican establishment to utterly inept and incompetent Romney campaign)
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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
You can't tell a conservative that he is stunningly superficial. He becomes immediately defensive and goes on the attack. To tell a conservative he or she is superficial, today, as science uncovers why a liberal would be justified in seeing then that way, because of differences in conservative and liberal brains, a liberal calling a conservative superficial could be considered superficial too.

Conservatives are emotionally attached to to their alternate world view and flight from reality. They aren't seeking real information but confirmation that it is correct. You aren't going to get out in left field analysis and mental challenge or deep introspection from conservative defenders posing as news men. Shepard is the perfect name for what a conservative news person is. Keep the flock together. This is wonderful in a world full of wolves but profoundly dangerous when the wolves are an alternate reality creation.

Conservatives, by demonizing their fellow countrymen promote conservative thinking while they destroy the nation they think they are protecting. This is insanity and it is dangerous. It is insanity because they insulate themselves from any evidence of the ineffectiveness of their thinking, and become more deeply biased in that belief if threatened by anything that would awaken them to this. It is dangerous because they are not only divorced from reality, they are antithetical to it and in ever increasing quantities. Conservative denial is now one of the most dangerous things that we face and truth will not help us.


Golden Member
Mar 10, 2000
I would say who do you respect rather than intelligence...when he was alive I respected William F. Buckley, Jr. even though i disagreed with him...


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
As mentioned above,

George Will
Charles Krauthammer
Thomas Sowell
William Kristol
Victor Davis Hanson
Jonah Goldberg
R. Emmett Tyrrell
Dennis Prager
Mark Levin (has written two books, Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto and Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America that are essential reading, whether you are liberal or conservative.)
Newt Gingrich


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
I can't believe no one has mentioned pat Buchanan. I don't agree with him on everything, but he's an intellectual and a conservative. Hannity and Limbaugh are antitithesis to intellectuallism and I'd says mark levin is too.

Walter Williams is also a conservative intellectual, even if I don't agree with him on everything either.
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Charles Kozierok

Elite Member
May 14, 2012
PJABBER's list is not bad, except for neocons like Bill Kristol (who is famous for making bad predictions and isn't really conservative), Jonah Goldberg (a childish hack) and Mark Levin (an overrated, nasty, pseudointellectual shrieker.)

I'll chime in with Bruce Bartlett.

ETA: Buchanan is also a good name. I may not agree with him on much, but he's one of the few right-wing commenters who is honest. He's one of the few conservatives who will go on Hannity's show and bluntly tell the propagandistic stooge things he doesn't want to hear.


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2009
Andrew Sullivan. Very well reasoned

And I agree with Anarchist, those 3 are hyperbolic demagogs.

Frum's not bad either, at least when he writes in Canadian media :)


Golden Member
Apr 16, 2009
Mark Levin and Charles Krauthammer? Really?

Not one of them can debate facts or anything resembling sane conservative thought. When I hear those three words I look for folks who do not spew hatred for the other side ignoring any facts. They cater to the religious morons or general idiots (which the GOP has many)

I personally listen to Andrew Wilkow (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Wilkow) and Mike Church from the conservative side with Sirius Left and POTUS (on sirius) as filler. POTUS is a really good station with good news and commentary (and not hate filled bs).

If any of our more liberal friends here on this board were to ever call Andrew on the WilkowMajority I would laugh. He can absolutely crush liberals when they call in. His motto is "We are right, you are wrong. Our arguments cannot be broken" or something.

He also dislikes Ron Paul supporters, yet I still listen!
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Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
The main problem is the conservative ideology is not grounded in facts. It's more or less guided by the faith of their constituents.

Therefore, I actually think it's quite disingenuous to use the words intelligent and conservative in the same sentence. You can't sit back and deny evolution, global warming, believe in voodoo economics like supply side, and then call yourself an intellectual. That just doesn't add up.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
I would instead argue that the LIBERTARIAN movement is where the intellectual conservatives can now be found.