White House asking us to not shop at grocery stores.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003

And of course we should listen because they've been a cornucopia of good information up to this point.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
It DOES make sense...avoid going out in public for ANY reason makes sense, but apparently it escapes their notice that not everyone in America has huge bank accounts nor the rmefrigerated storage space for enough food to last for weeks on end.


Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2006
You definitely don’t want to go out at all during the two weeks before or the week after your states projected peak.
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Nov 4, 2004
I'm on day 12 since I went to the store. In 2 days I'm going to the fucking store. With a mask. :)

I wore an N95 mask, gloves, hoody, pants, wiped down the card with a Lysol wipe or two. All the food went onto a tarp in the back of my Rav-4. Gloves off into the trash before I got back in the car. Hand sanitize and wipe down anything in the car.

Get home, take each item out and wipe it down with Lysol wipe. I setup a plastic folding table behind the rav-4, wife and I wiped it all down and filled a couple sanitized totes and just kept making trips into the house. When I'm done, stripped all clothing into a laundry basket right inside the door, then into the wash and I went and showered.

fucking ridiculous lol
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Jan 12, 2005
I wore an N95 mask, gloves, hoody, pants, wiped down the card with a Lysol wipe or two. All the food went onto a tarp in the back of my Rav-4. Gloves off into the trash before I got back in the car. Hand sanitize and wipe down anything in the car.

Get home, take each item out and wipe it down with Lysol wipe. I setup a plastic folding table behind the rav-4, wife and I wiped it all down and filled a couple sanitized totes and just kept making trips into the house. When I'm done, stripped all clothing into a laundry basket right inside the door, then into the wash and I went and showered.

fucking ridiculous lol
Fucking hell.

I don't do that at work. And I work in a ward at a hospital!


Nov 11, 1999
I think it's reasonable advice. Don't go unless you need to go. That's basically what Birx said. Be organized so you don't have to go back. I went his morning during the senior shopping hour, with a list we'd been making for two days. We're set for a couple of weeks. We normally go a lot more often because it's close & easy here in the heart of Denver. It's a very short walk for us. Masks suck. I managed to find a few cheapies we've had around for years. Better than nothing. We keep nitrile gloves all the time, anyway.
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Sep 12, 2012
Like @BoomerD noted: How many American's are prepared to stock 2+ weeks or food, let alone a month. I'm stocking up but still making 1 trip per week. I take necessary precautions while out, but it's not easy.

I still see a lot of people out at stores. This isn't going to happen, and will probably be why this pandemic will be much worse. People just aren't prepared to live in their homes/apartments for weeks, even months.
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Feb 24, 2009
Unfortunately, all I have are some basic masks that I bought for when it gets so dry here, the dust clouds created when cutting the lawn makes me have a coughing fit. I have a bunch of Lysol disinfection wipes.
So yea, wipe off all of the groceries with the wipes when I get home, and wash hands. I was sort of panicking when all of the sudden the CDC says you have to have a mask when you go out in public. Like where in the F am I going to find an actual mask anywhere. Then they came out with you can just use a bandana basically.
We're number one, but we can't even protect the doctors, nurses, or EMTs. If I hear the word exceptionalism one more time, I think I'm going to puke.


Jul 13, 2005
It DOES make sense...avoid going out in public for ANY reason makes sense, but apparently it escapes their notice that not everyone in America has huge bank accounts nor the rmefrigerated storage space for enough food to last for weeks on end.
Being in that high risk catagorie, it makes sense!
But I will admit I proactively leave the confines of my Nuclear/Pandemic bomb shelter usully in the early morning and stock up on several weeks of food usually over a 2 or 3 day period!
I am actually set for maybe 3 - 4 week and even longer if I have to ration what I eat! But I am just one person!! Imagine having 3 or 4 kids...lolol
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Nov 4, 2004
Fucking hell.

I don't do that at work. And I work in a ward at a hospital!

The amount of people out and about means with no PPE means I have to go above and beyond. I'm lucky enough to have access to PPE for now. It's mostly work provided from some forgotten stock piles 10 years old, but they're just fine. I'm not much of a germaphobe, but this one is scurry. Even if I get this SARS virus, I don't want to transmit to my family or friends. Much of my family is high-risk.
May 13, 2009
I go once a week. I could last a couple weeks with the amount of food we have but I needs me fresh fruits and veggies. I wore a dust mask last time I went and sanitized my hands constantly. I also went to a more expensive grocery store just to avoid the hordes of people that shop at the busier chains. At this point in time spending a little more on groceries is well worth the reduced risk. I was about to go to another store when I saw the parking lot was almost completely full. I am also keeping at minimum 6 feet distance. I would even turn around in aisles that had other shoppers then go later when it was clear. This is a pain in the ass.
May 13, 2009
The amount of people out and about means with no PPE means I have to go above and beyond. I'm lucky enough to have access to PPE for now. It's mostly work provided from some forgotten stock piles 10 years old, but they're just fine. I'm not much of a germaphobe, but this one is scurry. Even if I get this SARS virus, I don't want to transmit to my family or friends. Much of my family is high-risk.
High risk how? Just curious. Are you older?


Jan 12, 2005
The amount of people out and about means with no PPE means I have to go above and beyond. I'm lucky enough to have access to PPE for now. It's mostly work provided from some forgotten stock piles 10 years old, but they're just fine. I'm not much of a germaphobe, but this one is scurry. Even if I get this SARS virus, I don't want to transmit to my family or friends. Much of my family is high-risk.
Hey, I'm not criticising you. You do what makes you feel safer and happier, as long as it's not putting you or anyone else at risk.

As long as you spend s few minutes learning proper glove discipline and how to wear a mask.
May 13, 2009
There's plenty of information out there about high risk groups.

Diabetic, chronic lung or heart conditions, smoker, overweight, old... I'll link you up later if you can't find it?
Thanks. I know the high risk groups. I was just curious why his family was high risk. My wife is high risk due to asthma. I know it's nerve-racking. Just curious his situation.
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Jul 11, 2001

And of course we should listen because they've been a cornucopia of good information up to this point.
This from the guy who proposed bringing rakes to northern California to resolve their wild fire problems? We look for guidance from HIM???

Edit: I actually don't disagree with the message. But where was it when we needed it before now? This is in stark contrast with Trump's dismissiveness and declared intention to have the country en mass in church on Easter. WTF.
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Oct 18, 2005
As long as you spend s few minutes learning proper glove discipline and how to wear a mask.

Stopped to get gas last night and was dying at the number of people getting in and out of the their cars with the same pair of gloves on the entire time. Watched a guy start vaping while wearing his gloves while filling up.

Here in the Detroit area it also looks like very person who wears gloves believes the right place to dispose of them is the parking lot.


Jul 11, 2001
You definitely don’t want to go out at all during the two weeks before or the week after your states projected peak.
Yup... um, especially before. Cause the peak is when there are the most people being tested positive (I presume) which is apt to be almost 2 weeks after they were infected on average.

Right now is about the worst time to get infected.
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Jul 11, 2001
I wore an N95 mask, gloves, hoody, pants, wiped down the card with a Lysol wipe or two. All the food went onto a tarp in the back of my Rav-4. Gloves off into the trash before I got back in the car. Hand sanitize and wipe down anything in the car.

Get home, take each item out and wipe it down with Lysol wipe. I setup a plastic folding table behind the rav-4, wife and I wiped it all down and filled a couple sanitized totes and just kept making trips into the house. When I'm done, stripped all clothing into a laundry basket right inside the door, then into the wash and I went and showered.

fucking ridiculous lol
A neighbor offered to shop for me and is calling me and then putting bags on my front porch (I pay her by paypal off the receipt she puts in the bag).

I filled a pot with Dawn dish soapy water, dumped in the oranges, washed thoroughly using a brush and rinsed, dried, set in a box to set for a few days (I have some from last week). Did the same with bananas, but after dry, put them in the fridge (they keep longer there). Same with green peppers, which are put in a safe plastic bag. Set garlic out to sit a week on a table. Same with bags of coffee.

I think something to consider is that it's probably impossible to insure you're not going to get infected but if you can keep your initial viral dose very low your body will have more time to develop immunity before the virus has a chance to get a leg up on you. That's another good reason to wear a mask.