While waiting on the helpdesk ... Office 365 Outlook cannot send receive


Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2009
Last week I had a problem with my Enterprise Vault in Outlook no working. I put a ticket in to get the Vault functioning again and then signed off for the weekend. Then late yesterday I noticed email I drafted and clicked the 'Send' button on just sat in the Outbox. I go into the Outbox folder and click the Send/Receive button and get the following error message:

An OLE registration error occurred. The program is not correctly installed. Run setup for the program.

I opened another help desk ticket but they seemed to be slow in getting around to me. I go Google the error and try everything that had been suggested (re-registering ole32.dll, deleting the contents of the users/username/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Outlook folder , etc.) and the problem persists.

I guess that when they fixed the Enterprise Vault last week they broke something else. Not bad considering the help desk is a 3rd party and this acts to keep them in business. Anyway, some info:

Dell Precision 7510, Windows 7 Professions and Office 365 with all updates per employer policy. Makes no difference if I am sending a two-word email or one with attachments. Items drafted and sent sit in the Outbox folder and trying to manually send/receive reproduces the error message.

Note: If I launch Outlook and just do nothing it can naturally receive email. I just cannot send email or use the Send/Receive button.


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2002
If you log into Outlook from the web do you have the same error? Is Outlook showing you as fully logged in to your Office 365 account when running the program?

And this may sound like an obvious question, but have you rebooted the computer since the issue started?


Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2009
I am assuming that you are asking if I have tried using the Outlook web interface. I've not used it before until tonight and it worked just fine. Sent out a couple of test emails and they were sent and copied to my Sent Items folder. The Outlook client reports it is connected to the Exchange server and I suppose it would let me know with some sort of Offline indication if it were not. I also had the same positive experience with the iPhone email app. Just appears to be the Outlook client itself. And yes, the laptop has been rebooted, powered down/up several times.


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2002
Well at least you have a workaround. Aside from what you have already tried, the next thing I would try would need to be done by your administrator (or someone with such rights) so hopefully your IT group will get back to you soon.


Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2009
Help desk called back this morning and once I told them I had tried the OLE registration and the Outlook folder cleanup already she went into the email account inside the Outlook client, clicked on Change, and then unchecked Use Cached Exchange Mode, which I think causes the Outlook client to use an IMAP server instead of the POP/SMTP, but I could be wrong. It seemed a little slow at first but then it worked. I then closed Outlook and reopened it to see what would happen if I re-enabled that option and when I did I couldn't even open any previously received email and the Account Settings button wasn't working. I closed and tried the web app again and as before it worked fine. I gave up for a little while and then after ~20 minutes or so reopened Outlook client and was able to get back into the account settings. I once again unchecked that cached option and the client began working again but even faster than the first time the option was unchecked. I'm bettng by the end of the month I will have uninstalled and reinstalled the app, the suite of apps, and then the whole laptop.


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2002
I wonder if it was POP when they first set it up. It's odd that it would keep reverting back to that unless the email server is telling it that's what it "should" be.


Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2009
Well, the Cached Exchange Mode is currently disabled and Outlook is working. But a new problem has crept up and every single Microsoft application (Outlook, Word, Excel, SharePoint, etc.) is telling me there is now a licensing issue and I need to log into my Microsoft account the license was registered with to re-activate. Between my employer and the IBM Help[less] Desk this is just being more of a hassle to my productivity (and efficiency) than anything else.


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2002
You should be able to log back in to your Microsoft account from any Office application.


Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2009
This is a corporate computer, not a personal one. I do not have a Microsoft account and if the employer does I wouldn't know it.


Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
Consider taking the problem to your IT tech who can access the MS account.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2003
This is a corporate computer, not a personal one. I do not have a Microsoft account and if the employer does I wouldn't know it.

You have Office 365, you might just need to login with your corporate login. That is how it works with ours anyway. It depends what your company is using.

It sounds like you might be having some hardware issue with the laptop, maybe disk corruption or something.


Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2009
corkyg, I have involved them but my employer is so huge just asking to fart in my general direction takes time. And they have engaged me, but I went from them fixing an Enterprise Vault issue in Outlook to breaking my ability to send email, to fixing my ability to email to breaking the entire M$ suite licensing. Every time I engage them I feel like it is another step into the grave. LOL

Everyone, thanks for the assistance. It is appreciated. Taking another step into the abyss.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 1999
IME when 365 complains about activation:

  • Run any of the programs as admin (if you have credentials)
  • Check for updates in File, Account
  • Quick repair
  • Online repair
  • Office removal tool, reboot and reinstall (if you can access the OWA, you should be able to check settings and search for install software unless this has been disallowed)
Cached mode is typically used with exchange or perhaps IMAP but since this is 365 and you have OWA, it is likely exchange mode. The OST file gets dirty once in a while so I first will run ScanPST.exe in the same folder Outlook.exe resides in. It should auto select the OST just opening it but if it does not, it is usually in Documents\Outlook Data Files (IIRC) or %localappdata%\Microsoft\Outlook

An easier way is to create a new profile using the control panel applet and you should only need to enter your email address and password to set it back up as long as autodiscover was correctly inserted in the domain records.

I would get tonguelashed for not sorting out something so simple quick so you guys should be looking for another MSP..