Which Proc Should I Buy (Socket A)?


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2001
hey AT,

need some help here. i was wondering what is the best SOCKET A i can get for $60 Shipped (used/new doesn't matter, but i can't go any higher than that). I'm looking at 2 chips here on AT - one is a 1ghz Tbird @1.33ghz 1.8v and the other is a 1ghz Duron @1.46ghz, they are both $55. any help here would be much appreciated, also if you know of any other deal out there that would be great... but those are the only two i've seen. my question pretty much is which one will give me more all around performance. i know that the morgan core has eveyrthign the XP core has except its cache is tiny (64k compared to 128k?), anyways someone plz educate me and tell what i should get... treat me like the retared 4 year old i am:D thx in advance AT.