Which is better? X-Box or PS2, Game Cube? (X-BOX!!!!!!)

Dec 28, 2000
Ok I know thst the X-Box has a better Controller, Better specs, and over 150+ game developers makeing games than any other console out there!! now I'm doing a servay for the X-Box I want to know if you people think it is good after all everything about the X-box is twice as better then any console (The games, Sepcs, Controller and more)
so plese drop buy and just say what console you like


Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999
The X-Box doesn't even have specs set in stone, and the performance numbers that have been thrown around are totally unrealistic, just like PS2's were (they said 75/66 million polys when in reality the games on it are sporting below 5 million). You can't say it has a better controller since it hasn't been unveiled, and even then you can't judge a controller until you use it (then there's the fact that from a recent article it sounds like it has a pretty much identical layout as the GC's except for the buttons on the right face). Microsoft is shamefully (Bungie being a good example) buying its way intio the console biz.


Senior member
Oct 16, 1999
Ok first if Sony has never said 66/75M poly/sec was realtime....that number is only reachable if all the PS2 is doing is transforming polygons. They said with effects and lighting it would be around 20M(now which effects or how many lights I don't know). And your kinda off on the 5 million mark......well at least for the new wave of games coming out;) Take a look at GT3:)

pic #1

pic #2

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pic #4

Anyway about the which is better.....that's a tough question. I'm sure all of them will rock. It's about the games afterall;)



Senior member
Sep 30, 2000
The 2001/2002 release date for the XBOX may make some of the specs it has now obselete. Right now PS2 is here and will have had a years head start. For the best in technology as it stands, the PS2 hands down.


Dec 4, 2000
Cant answer that question right now:ps2 IMHO is a disappointment thus far,im sure things will get better but by that time it may be too little too late.
XBOX-Lotsa potential,specs thus far are killer,3rd party support seems to be good etc.Toss a coin,if they release with good software and a nice price point,they will fly off the shelves,on the other hand we could be looking @ 3D0 2.
Gamecbe:Will be a great system if you are a nintendo fan and i think this system beyond xbox has what it takes to be #1,Im really interested to see what Nintendo does with the connectivity between the Game Boy Advance and Gamecube=i think this will be key,No doubt the GBA will sell like crazy,and the fact that this can work with gamecube as a controller leaves me to wonder what else they could do.Nintendo needs 3rd party support,but in house stuff from them is worth buying the Gamecube for solely,nobody makes games like Nintendo.I dunno if this Sega buyout holds any validity,but if it does a combination of Nintendo and Sega would be incredible.
Dec 28, 2000
Listin I do not like Nintendo coz they make kiddy kinda games like Supermario Smash bros. and more. Perfect Dark was ASOME but the same company that it makeing the game is also makeing it for the X-box.... More people are makeing games for the X-box than any other leading Console Developers. and Yes the Controller is good becuase there is a company testing out the controllers and they already did a little review they said it was good and confertable and nice to handel so I give the X-box 11/10 WOW and it even suppoerts HDTV with the the Res higher than any HDTV can possiblity GO!!!!!!!!


Feb 15, 2000
I played on a PS2 for the first time last night, and woah!!! Awesome graphics, you could see the detail on the players faces and their helmets glinted in the sun. I haven't seen a Dreamcast yet, but I would have to say the PS2 right now. By the way why are you running a poll where two of the three choices aren't even on the market yet?


Junior Member
Sep 16, 2000
The console manufacturers have released the estimated specs and they will be very similar to these. The PS2 will get a huge headstart but... i think the X-Box will be the best overall microsoft have a lot of money 2 put into it. The specs are better on X-box and it will be the cheapest i think.



Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2000
I'll decide when GC and X-Box finally comes out and I can see them with my own eyes...


Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< Perfect Dark was ASOME but the same company that it makeing the game is also makeing it for the X-box >>

There is no way in hell that Rare is making games for the XBox. They are a second party (as in, partially owned by; exclusive) developer for Nintendo.

Excaliber, current games on the PS2 are sporting less than 5 million. And Sony never put out the 20 million, only game sites did. Sony just threw out the unrealistic numbers. And GT3 is nothing the GC and Xbox can't do even better. The PS2 is outclassed with almost 0 exclusive games and hardware that doesn't even come close to being able to do comparable effects to the GC and Xbox.


Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999
What does it have going for it?

Exclusive games? Not really, but GC and Xbox will have plenty.

Graphics? Nothing the GC and Xbox can't do.

Price? Heh, nope (same could be said for Xbox though).

Features? Guess I can give it that...it does have DVD. But then so do I, and I want a game console not a movie player.

Ease of development/short development time? Nah, but GC and Xbox were made with those kind of things in mind, which is attractive to developers.

Then we can move on to the fact that GC and Xbox will support 4 players right out of the box. Gotta buy that seperate with the PS2, more $ on top of the already overpriced console. But something that is often overlooked in that point is that if something isn't built in to the console itself, developers won't usually take advantage of it. Look at how many games support 4 players on the N64 in comparison to the PS1...many many times more.



Nov 28, 2000
I alreday have a pwerful gaming computer. I don't need a X-Box and i can upgrade evry 6 month.