When do people learn?


Oct 2, 2001

A male snowmobiler was caught in an avalanche mid day while riding in a party of three. He was buried for over an hour and a half. He was not wearing a beacon and was found with an organized probe line. The area is known as the Superbowl on the east side of Windy Peak in the Whitney Basin. The slope was reportedly east northeast facing at around 10,000? and pushing 40 degrees in steepness. The size as viewed from the air was around 4 feet deep and possibly 200 to 400 feet wide. Wind loading on a weak faceted snowpack is the most likely structure. More details will be available soon.

The winds have been howling recently, mostly heading NE and a few days ago heading SSE. This is really dangerous for avalanche conditions. The snow is blown to the ridge lines and steeper slopes, melts a bit and then rebonds with the snow already deposited there. This creates a "Wind Slab". Now there is a large, and heavy, slab of snow on top of previously deposited snow. As you can bet, the under layer can't hold on too well and it slides when you attempt to do anything on it. If the snowmobilers had dug a pit all this information would have been clear as day ("a pit" is just a hold that you dig in the snow the see all the layers in it) and they could have found a safer slope to play on. If they were wearing avalanche gear (beacon, probe, shovel) they could have found their friend before help arrived.

IF you aren't going to dig a pit, you should be well aware what the weather has been doing the last week. There is no reason why anyone should be in the back country without a beacon (and no how to use it, because face it, if you don't know how to track down another beacon it's just a pack that wastes batteries). That's just foolishness.

I only point this out because it has been happening all too often this year. I think people are assuming that a low snow depth = less danger, when that is not the case at all.


Dec 3, 2001