1 jan 2001
so 1 jan 2011
Uh, Jan 1 2000, 00:00:00.000...1?
Eh I guess 2001 if you go by the whole "there was no year 0" thing.
Well... there was no year 0 so you are begrudginly correct?
The new decade begins on Jan 1, 2011.
Just like the current century began on Jan 1, 2001.
01-01-01 was the start of the millenium...first day of the first month of the first year.
01-01-01 was the start of the new century...first day of the first month of the first year.
Decades tend to be measured by the first digit: 20's, 30's, etc, so the new decade begins 01-01-10
Pedantic people will tell you that the last millennium ended on Dec 31, 2000, therefore this decade ends on Dec 31, 2010. Pedantic people can suck it. A millennium is 1000 years, and a decade is 10 years. They are not defined as starting in a particular year. The 1000 year period (millennium) that started in 1010 will end at the end of this year. The 1000 year period (millennium) that started in 1000 ended at the end of 1999. The 10 year period that started in 2000 will end at the end of this year.