im starting college this fall...i want to major in aerospace engineering & (general) mathematics
We don't get to register till orientation, but I'm this will be my schedule (maxed out the freshman credit limit):
7.012 Intro Bio: MWF 10-11am
3.091 Intro Solid State Chem MWF 1-2pm
9.00 Intro Pyschology T/TH 2-3:30pm
18.100B Real Analysis I T/TH 11-12:30pm
MAS.A18 Engineering Freshman (academic) Advising Seminar time--unknown
Then there's some recitations, but I dunno the time-frames for those. All told, I'm spending 17hrs/week in class (not counting the seminar, which is supposed to be fun); it adds up to 54 credits (my school counts credits as class hrs + 'expected' homework hours). Pretty average, right?