What's Wrong W/ My New TEAC 16x Burner???


Senior member
Apr 20, 2000
I just purchased a TEAC 516EB burner which came w/ Nero 5.5. I updated Nero to the latest version and installed TEAC's latest firmware for the drive. The TEAC, as well as my harddrive and other CD-ROM drive have DMA enabled in Win 98.

To test it out, I wanted to copy my No One Lives Forever CD using only the burner (doing both reading and writing). The TEAC will start reading the CD, but it does it EXTREMELY slow to the point that after 5 minutes it supposedly has only copied 1%! You actually never hear it copying the image to the harddrive. When I try it on my Asus 40x reader, it reads the disk and copies the image perfectly fine. I've doubled checked my settings in Nero to ensure that the TEAC is set up to read at 40x (maximum). Any ideas?

Here's my system:
Abit VT6X4 Motherboard (Apollo Pro 133A chipset)
15GB 7200RPM Maxtor (on primary IDE channel by itself)
Asus 40x CD reader & TEAC 16x10x40 both on secondary IDE channel


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2001
Interestingly, whenever I try to burn software that Easy CD Creator won't let me burn (locked for some reason, usually MS games) I have to use Clone CD. This program lets me rip, but it also does so really slowly. After about 10 minutes, it's at 1%. Then 10 minutes later it's at 2%. But after 30 min, it starts jumping up to about 50% and it's done before an hour.

I think this may be because the particular software has something that prevents you from burning, but Clone CD (in your case Nero) lets you get around that, but rips slowly. To troubleshoot, try ripping software that isn't locked. (All the Windows OS's aren't locked. Interestingly, MS decided to lock some games, but not Win2k :cool:


Senior member
Apr 20, 2000
That makes sense what you wrote, but the thing is when I use my Asus CD-ROM drive to read the CD, it does it quickly without any problems. So its seems to be specific to the TEAC drive.


Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2000
I have a Teac 532S and experienced similar problems. I used it several times without a hitch. The next time I used it the ezcd said it was not fast enough to do a cd to cd burn. I selected to transfer to hd first and went on thinking little of it. It spent 10 minutes copying and was still less that 50%.

Anyhow here is what I done to fix it. From Teac download the file and extract. Use the expansion utility to change settings of drive speed. Mine was set at 24. Although it still should of copied to the hd faster than it was doing before I set to 32, the recording was back to normal. Note that this utility will not work in 2000 use 9x.

Your drive is not listed on that page use at your own risk. If you look at the date it hasn't been updated since '99. Also check the cd that came with the drive for a similar program.

I hope this helps

Semper Fi