What's The Next New Thing? What do you think?


Jan 28, 2001
I ask my friends and they tell me "wireless networking" which I disagree, but everyones stubborn in my group.

What do you think is the next big thing (technology)?


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2002
Not necessarily wireless networking, but wireless everything.

no more cables from your keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner, Bluetooth everything.


Golden Member
Mar 6, 2001
Originally posted by: Imdmn04
Not necessarily wireless networking, but wireless everything.

no more cables from your keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner, Bluetooth everything.

I agree, wireless EVERYTHING. Not only peripherals, but everything in your home and all your gadgets. Some examples are wireless phones, wireless pdas, wireless notebooks, wireless tivo, wireless mp3 player, wireless fridge, wireless toaster, etc...
When I say wireless I am not talking about 802.11b but more along the lines of connectivity anywhere.
Wireless phones might seem like a duh, but I am referring to having only a wireless phone and no landline. Many people are already going this route.
Wireless pda/laptop are getting more popular, but its only 802.11b which is limited imo. Luckily data services like unlimited dl from t-mobile are coming into the market and the service availability/performance are improving every year.

Imo wireless is the next big thing because it will allow us to be connected to each other in many more ways then before, it has and will continue to change the way people interact with each other. Way back when we only had phones at our home and people interacted with each other when they got home or maybe when they hung out with you. Then we got pagers and people were able to contact each other more efficiently so meet ups were able to be set up more on the spot. Then everyone got cell phones so even though you are out doing errands or taking a crap in the bathroom people can contact you can get information, set up meetings, yell at you, etc pretty much instantly. With everything going wireless esp data going wireless people will now be able to send data to each other instantly/on demand. It wont be put the report on my desk at 5, instead it will be send the report to my pda RIGHT NOW! People will be to send pictures of things they see then right away using digital camera/cell phone and emailing it to all their friends using wireless access through cell phone/pda/laptop. People wont say OH man you should have seen that!, instead they will send the captured video/picture to their friends and say OH man check this out!. No longer can people say I wish I was there because you can stream video through your camera which has wireless access to their comps. The possiblities are endless.

People who say wireless is not the next new/big thing are close minded can not see how it has and will change our society and everything around us.


Oct 7, 2001
them bits....they're passing right through my body as i type this!!!...

robert close the mozilla and go back to studying!!! and tell hubes to study too cuz he ain't studying and playing ffxi during finals week..wtf!

k aside from wireless everything...i say the next big thing will be something software....since US can't really compete w/ outsourced engineers creating cheap electronic hardware...the next big thing has to be software based....something web-based..software implementation in everywhere...etc etc etc...US companies has to to this just to survive this outsourcing crap...

i can't find a job :(


Golden Member
Mar 6, 2001
Originally posted by: DanTMWTMP
them bits....they're passing right through my body as i type this!!!...

robert close the mozilla and go back to studying!!! and tell hubes to study too cuz he ain't studying and playing ffxi during finals week..wtf!

LOL I didn't expect any less :) Seriously though does he even have any finals? When I got addicted to swg at least I had the forethought to drop all my classes :) Going to sleep for a few soon, so will close "opera" soon ;) YOU should stop posting and go to sleep! My final is at 3pm when's your first?


Oct 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Gunther
Originally posted by: DanTMWTMP
them bits....they're passing right through my body as i type this!!!...

robert close the mozilla and go back to studying!!! and tell hubes to study too cuz he ain't studying and playing ffxi during finals week..wtf!

LOL I didn't expect any less :) Seriously though does he even have any finals? When I got addicted to swg at least I had the forethought to drop all my classes :) Going to sleep for a few soon, so will close "opera" soon ;) YOU should stop posting and go to sleep! My final is at 3pm when's your first?

8am..followed by 11:30am...

folllowed by 8am the next day...

that's 3 straight ece classes

k no more thread crapping..yeah next big thing...

software in everything yeah ..like cars and appliances etc etc...microsoft will own us all


Golden Member
Mar 6, 2001
Originally posted by: DanTMWTMP
Originally posted by: Gunther
Originally posted by: DanTMWTMP
them bits....they're passing right through my body as i type this!!!...

robert close the mozilla and go back to studying!!! and tell hubes to study too cuz he ain't studying and playing ffxi during finals week..wtf!

LOL I didn't expect any less :) Seriously though does he even have any finals? When I got addicted to swg at least I had the forethought to drop all my classes :) Going to sleep for a few soon, so will close "opera" soon ;) YOU should stop posting and go to sleep! My final is at 3pm when's your first?

8am..followed by 11:30am...

folllowed by 8am the next day...

that's 3 straight ece classes

OUCH! My heart goes out for you :brokenheart: I guess no sleep for you. I only have one cs class today :p


Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999

If I was going to name something specific, I think it is going to be that anything-into-oil group.


Feb 3, 2000
Bio-tech ... stuff to combine biology and technology...

Anyone see that news story about that paraplegic (sp?) who got implants and now can stand and walk a few feet for the first time in 10 years.


Golden Member
Nov 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Eli

If I was going to name something specific, I think it is going to be that anything-into-oil group.

Are you talking about that thin were they toss in the turkey, raw suage, plasic, and tires and out comes oil. I think that was in discover, I thought it was pretty cool too.


Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2003
Personal Area Networks.
knowing everyting about someone by jus shakin their hand (exchanging info by electrical impulses somehow).. lol.. and letting the speaker in ur ear reminding you of someone's name when you shake their hand again.. lol

i read about it ages ago.. is it real technology?



Feb 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Gunther
Originally posted by: Imdmn04
Not necessarily wireless networking, but wireless everything.

no more cables from your keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner, Bluetooth everything.

I agree, wireless EVERYTHING. Not only peripherals, but everything in your home and all your gadgets. Some examples are wireless phones, wireless pdas, wireless notebooks, wireless tivo, wireless mp3 player, wireless fridge, wireless toaster, etc...
When I say wireless I am not talking about 802.11b but more along the lines of connectivity anywhere.
Wireless phones might seem like a duh, but I am referring to having only a wireless phone and no landline. Many people are already going this route.
Wireless pda/laptop are getting more popular, but its only 802.11b which is limited imo. Luckily data services like unlimited dl from t-mobile are coming into the market and the service availability/performance are improving every year.

Imo wireless is the next big thing because it will allow us to be connected to each other in many more ways then before, it has and will continue to change the way people interact with each other. Way back when we only had phones at our home and people interacted with each other when they got home or maybe when they hung out with you. Then we got pagers and people were able to contact each other more efficiently so meet ups were able to be set up more on the spot. Then everyone got cell phones so even though you are out doing errands or taking a crap in the bathroom people can contact you can get information, set up meetings, yell at you, etc pretty much instantly. With everything going wireless esp data going wireless people will now be able to send data to each other instantly/on demand. It wont be put the report on my desk at 5, instead it will be send the report to my pda RIGHT NOW! People will be to send pictures of things they see then right away using digital camera/cell phone and emailing it to all their friends using wireless access through cell phone/pda/laptop. People wont say OH man you should have seen that!, instead they will send the captured video/picture to their friends and say OH man check this out!. No longer can people say I wish I was there because you can stream video through your camera which has wireless access to their comps. The possiblities are endless.

People who say wireless is not the next new/big thing are close minded can not see how it has and will change our society and everything around us.

uhhh.... cliff notes?

But yeah, wireless everything except for things like a monitor... USB stuff can be done easily including printers, mouse, keyboards, etc.