So basically i have an Xbox 360 and a Sony KP-51WS510 CRT Proj.
Now the TV is documented to downconvert 768p to 480p, the tv is 1080i.
So i setup xbox to 1080i, but am playing COD4.
I recall that COD4 is at 768p, would tv recognize this and then downconvet to 480P?
FWIW the pictures looks amazing, although not close to my 768p LCD
Now the TV is documented to downconvert 768p to 480p, the tv is 1080i.
So i setup xbox to 1080i, but am playing COD4.
I recall that COD4 is at 768p, would tv recognize this and then downconvet to 480P?
FWIW the pictures looks amazing, although not close to my 768p LCD