What's the best way to lose weight?


Oct 9, 1999
I've always been a pretty big guy (6'6"), but I guess sometimes you just need to get hit over the head . . . my buddy got his wedding pictures back, and I look horrible. :(

So I started lifting weights a bit, and I just got done going for a mile walk (which frickin' wiped me out. My back is killing me . . . ) I'm actually afraid to step onto the scale. :|

So obviously, eat less, exercise more, but are there foods to avoid? I know carbohydrates are a big no-no, and I've had my last Dr. Pepper for a while, but what else? Drink a lot of water? Don't eat after 9 PM?


Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2000

<< Don't eat after 9 PM? >>

If you want a late nite snack, go for fruits and veggies - they'll fill you up but don't add fat or many calories. Also try low fat or fat-free dips and salad dressings - you wouldn't believe how much fat is in that stuff.


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000
Xerox, I dont necesasrily agree with trying to filter out all carbs, etc but think instead just try to be sensible with what you eat. I've pretyt much quit eating fast food at lunch and just eat salads, and try to cook my own dinner instead of fast food now as well. Personally I don't seem much of a difference yet, but it hasnt been that long and i'm sure the ratio of what I lost to what I have is small ;)


Aug 7, 2000
Substitue protiens for some of the carbs. Avoid high sugar fruits (citrus mostly). Eat plenty of high protien vegetables (beans and the like). Eat four or five smaller meals throughout the day instead of three larger ones. Walk anything shorter than 8 blocks except when you are in a hurry. Get 9 hours of sleep, and don't eat after an hour before you go to bed. Eat when you are hungry feeling, eat good tasting stuff, and stop when you don't feel hungry, not when you are full.

Start a high aerobic workout routine, of jogging or biking. When jogging regulate your breathing, force it to be even and rythmic, take 2 seconds to inhale, hold for 2 and take 4-6 seconds to exhale. This forces your body to use oxygen more efficiently. When you are unable to jog any longer, walk until you are able to jog again, maintain this for at least 25 minutes. Obviously if you are beyond uncomfortable where you are having a hard time breathing, not just a burn in the lungs or a burn in the muscles.

After you have jogged about 8-12 minutes, walk and then do your stretching. Then continue. When you are done jogging and walking, stretch again and do some crunches.

Do this every other day, until you are comfortable with it. Push as long and as hard after the third day as you can.

On the off days, do a good even weight routine. Not heavy weights, but enough for resistence but not to over strain, what is comfortable.


Senior member
Jan 7, 2000
Ya know, I just started working out a month before summer started and still am continuing doing it. It's great that you're working out instead of just dieting. Avoid those fries and the fatty hamburgers with massive mayo and dressing if you go to fast food. You don't have to avoid fast food altogether, try like a grilled bbq chicken sandwich at Carl's Jr or something of that sort. Also, as I'm sure you know, stay away from the soda.

I'm not an expert or anything, but I can try telling you some of my personal experiences.

Everyother day I walk a mile, run a mile, and then hit the weights and do mass amounts of situps (of course it didn't start out this way). I don't eat all that well, but I still look much better than I used a year ago. I've dropped 3 pants sizes and the pants I'm wearing now are getting a bit loose around the waist. I've also built much more muscle so the lost weight doesn't make me look like stick and bones.

Hope that helps you out some.


Apr 9, 2000
I heard don't eat after 7PM.
Stay the hell away from pop and beer, diet or regular.
I'm a true believer in the colon clensing capabilites of fiber. I read once that if you get your intestines nice and cleaned out (I think it was like a week long high fiber diet) your body will absorb nutrients more efficeintly and you'll actally lose 'some' wieght from removing the resident 'crap' in your guts.
Stay away from dairy, except maybe skim milk.
If you are gonna eat bread, make sure it is NOT white bread, preferable a multigrain or whole wheat bread.
Smaller portions, higher frequency can be a trick for some people as far as eating goes.
Yes, plenty of water and exersize, and you'll be a swinger in no time!!


Sep 15, 2000
eat a lot of small meals, never skip breakfast, drink lots of water, no sodas, and run or swim. works for me :)


Elite Member
Oct 11, 1999
Starve yourself until you feel light headed...:p

Seriously, watch what you eat and start a healthy excercise program. There are plenty of resources for that on the web, and I'm sure someone here can provide you with a link.


Golden Member
Dec 1, 1999

<< What's the best way to lose weight? >>

Lots and Lots of sex :)



Oct 9, 1999

<< Lots and Lots of sex. >>

Unfortunately, not a viable option with the way that I look at the moment. :|


Senior member
Jan 7, 2000
I remember reading in a Maxim all of these different types of sex workouts. Different positions to work different parts of the body.. interesting stuff.


Golden Member
Dec 1, 1999

First off eat whatever the hell you want!

Just start working out...., I would recomend though not Drinking Soda, eating greasy foods or alot of food at night (wich can also be bad for your complection).

Workout as soon as you get up in the morning , Jump out of bed do about 20-30 pushups and as many situps as you can....crunch your stomic , be confident in yourself.
Have fun...some of you guys spend waaaay to much time infront of the Computer and stop reallizing that it's daylight out.

Get up! Get out!

You could also go on a soupcabage diet , ...a friend of mine did this and lost 20lb's in about 3 weeks , the only problem is that ,well lets just say the bathroom will start to see more of you.

And For god sakes do not revert to smoking or drinking ect, and think that you will loose wait this way!

Regardless of what people say yes it can happen overnight , you just hafto be confident as hell,,
It's all in the mind.

Best Regards,


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000

About half of all Americans are obese. Very sad.

Here are some tips:

1. Eat less;
2. Eat a balanced diet as follows, including lots of fruits and veggies: 70% carbs; 20% protein; 10% fat (this is the hard part);
3. Find a sport you enjoy the most. Walking probably isn't it given your size. I would suggest a bicycle, swimming, rowing, or x-country skiing, plus the weight lifting (good choice).
4. Keep a chart of your weight and eating habits. Weight Watchers does this and it is one of the reasons they have a modicum of success. Counting calories and weight works.
5. Be honest. Most overweight people are not honest with themselves about the amount of junk food they eat.
6. Accept the notion that junk food WILL kill you at an early age if you keep eating it. If that doesn't matter, enjoy your junk food. But, you must convince yourself that being fit at 50 is important to you. If you don't mind being in a wheelchair at 50 or 60, then keep eating the junk food.
7. Why you are doing this is important. Do you want to impress someone? Bad reason. Do you want to live a long and fruitful life? Good reason. Also, how the body looks is much less important than how well it functions. Perfect proportions are the reality for few people. Don't obsess because you have a big butt and skinny arms, for instance.
8. Walk to work. Fidget. Integrate excercise into your life in 5 little ways each day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Carry your groceries to the car instead of using the cart. You get the idea. We've become convenience junkies. Drive through, get it, eat it in the automatic transmission car. Convenience kills.

Regarding Atkins: He is full of sh*t. Don't follow the Atkins diet for more than 2 or 3 weeks. Most people lose weight initially but stop losing weight within a month. Absolutely no scientific research backs Atkins claims. He has tortured what little scientific data there is to support his million dollar a year business. He sells books, not science. I've been reading on this topic for twenty years and the evidence is still very strong that we are better off eating a lot more carbs than protein. If a high protein diet worked I would be using it because I love red meat, milk, cheese, etc.

Good luck, and keep it up. I suggested once that someone on this board, it may have been you, actually post their height, weight, and calories eaten each day so we could help them be honest. I still think the idea would have practical and pedagogical value.

:) - Good luck.


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000

First, have patience. Real weight loss takes time. Believe me, I have been there. I just completed a weight-loss program... I had my last child 15 months ago and have been working diligently to get back in shape. Actually, with everything I have done I am now in the best shape I have ever been in (and I have been in good shape before).

Here are my tips:

Avoid starch and sugar, cut out as much bread and pasta as possible.

Eat your largest meal before 1PM

Focus on veggies, fruits, rice, and fish

Cardio is a MUST, at least 30 minutes, every day!

Yes, drink a lot of water! You'll pee all day, but it's a good thing.

Weight training is the key to shaping your body... I've been working out with a personal trainer for the past 8 weeks and I must say, I am pleased.

If you have a bad day, move on. No one is perfect. It is about being

Balanced and Healthy.

Good luck, and if you need anyone to cheer you on, just post OT!


Senior member
Mar 10, 2000
get the flu..I lost 15 pounds being sick for 2 weeks..wasnt fun but the weight came off..


Senior member
Apr 28, 2000
Whiskey and water&quot;nector of the gods&quot;flushes your system right out.Just make sure you have lots of t/p.LOL!!!!
1-Drink lots of water
2-Try apple cider capsules&quot;Iam&quot;7lbs so far
3-More meals,but smaller
4-Walking,swiming.Even just stretching is good.


Senior member
Dec 19, 1999
eat enough, not too much.

and exercise. Dont lift weights, lifting weights do nothing to burn fat. You need to get your fatass outside and start doign some cardio exercises like running or biking (not cruising) or blading.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

Weight lifting does nothing to burn fat? Who told you this. Weight lifting builds muscle which in turn, consumes calories allowing you to lower your overall bodyfat percentage.

<< Because muscle burns calories and body fat does not, the more lean muscle mass in your body and the less fat, the more calories you will burn during physical activity. Additionally, the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn just sitting in a chair, cooking dinner or sleeping. >>

CNN article where this quote came from



Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
Drink a lot !!

No, seriously, water that is.

Works for me but then again I dont leave the house much.


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
nosoup4u: Weightlifting is a very good way to burn fat because the more muscle you have the more calories your body will burn. Cardio is very good as well. But weightlifting also builds overall strength, which is very good for most sedentary people. He's going in the right direction! Keep it up!


Oct 9, 1999
Good luck doing the 70% carbs, 20% protein, 10% fat. That's ridiculous. Even them out 33% each or something. Benefits of more protein is that it increases your metabolism, benefits of more fat (good fats, not saturated) is that you get full quicker and are not as hungry...so you'll end up eating less quantities. Benefits of carbs? well it's a quick energy boost (energy from fat seems to last longer) and it fscks up your insulin levels, which in turn messes up your metabolism and everything related to weight loss. Don't eliminate carbs, but eliminate all sugars, pastas, and white breads. Get your carbs from vegetables/fruit (but NO potatoes or corn, incredibly starchy vegetables) &amp; whole wheat. For a guy, weight lifting can probably be one of the best aids in weight loss. Get a good work out plan and stick to it. Do it monday, wendesday, and friday and take a break the other days. When you are resting the muscles are rebuilding themselves and they grow more. Before you know it you will be burning calories like mad just sitting in the chair, IF you stick with it. good luck


Senior member
Jan 13, 2000
I would just like to say that what you eat does not have ANYTHING to do with your complection. (facial) It is medically proven... sorry no Link but if you don't believe me go ask a Dermatologist.

good luck man


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000

If you have a doctor, take his/her advice regarding nutrition. If you are diabetic, by the way, a high carb diet is contraindicated.

Assuming you are not diabetic, here's a link which talks about the food pyramid, avoiding fats, and eating a balanced diet. Although percentages are not mentioned, if you follow this advice you will be fine.


Edit: To those who say not to eat late at night-you are wrong. The problem with eating late at night is WHAT you eat. Most people eat junk food late at night, which is not good of course. But, otherwise it doesn't matter when you eat, although 4-5 small meals a day is a good idea.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Get wnough protein low fat low carb , weight lift then after weight lifting do cardio since your body will probably not have much fuel left you will burn fat better. And best time to excersie is in the mouring after waking up thats when u havent had any f00d for the whole nite and body has no fuel again.