Yes! Cabbage butterflies are very very very common around here. In fact at any one time I can probably see at least one flying around in my yard. Only more common butterfly is the skipper. Both were common when I lived in Los Angeles, 400 miles south of here, decades ago.
So, those white blotches on the leaf are from the Cabbage Loopers? Before just now I never saw such infestation. Most new growth looked fine. Now, just about every leaf has round blotches on them about 1/4 inch in diameter.
What is "BT based spray"? Ah, thuricide BT. I may have a container in my refrigerator. I was fighting off the caterpillars a few years ago but stopped caring because I could always find leaves that looked OK for eating. I seldom picked them, as well, mostly just to add to a stew.
I have neem oil, too.