What would you do in this situation? GPU vs. Monitor.


Mar 16, 2012
I am currently running an EVGA GTX 770 SC, and the Samsung 2770FH monitor. My next two upgrades are GPU or monitor. One I can grab now, the other shortly after Xmas bonus is received. I currently play BF4, but will be switching to SW Battlefront when it comes out. Which would you upgrade first?

1. 144hz, 1ms, 1440p 27" TN Panel -or-
2. MSI GTX 980Ti Gaming?

My current guess is that with my 60Hz panel now, the GPU upgrade may just be a placeholder until I can grab the monitor, as the GTX770 runs most anything I play now without a hitch. With the monitor however, from what I have gleaned reading threads here, I may see some smoother gameplay than what I am currently used to. I play on a custom/high video setup in BF4 and I run about 100-130 FPS from what I can tell.

Thoughts? And thank you in advance for your time.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2013
Is that new monitor going to support Gsync?

There is the possibility there will be faster GPU's out early next year, you might consider upgrading your GPU then if your performance is acceptable now.


Mar 16, 2012
I would likely get a G-sync monitor, yes. I was tempted to go the Freesync/Fury X or R9 Nano route and build a smaller machine, but I do not know what road gaming holds for me down the line. I do not play an single player RPG's, and I'll likely play Battlefront exclusively for the next year or two if it lasts. Possibly an MMORPG as well, if something groundbreaking is released.


Senior member
Oct 26, 2005
I'm in a somewhat similar situation - I've got money burning a hole in my pocket, but I can't bring myself to buy anything until I hear more news about Pascal and Arctic Islands. With CES coming up in January, I'm also waiting to see if any consumer OLED monitors are announced and what sort of improvements are coming to G-Sync and FreeSync.

If you are going to do something, no matter what, then get a monitor. You should probably wait on the GPU upgrade though.

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I would get the monitor now and wait for the next generation of graphics cards to be released for your GPU upgrade.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2008
At least in BF4 I never found high frame rate to help very much because of how terrible the netcode was for so very long. Doesn't matter if you're going at 144 frames a second when the server only pokes along at 30 (or whatever they have it at now).

In pretty much every other game high FPS is awesome.

Jury is still out for Battlefront I think