I thought it had something to do with an electronics rework station heat gun, but... nope. Still, the construction is quality so I figure it might be worth identifying.
It’s got a 3-pin DIN with a 180° DIN5 arrangement. It’s all metal construction on the outside except for the obvious (cord; rubber O-rings). The metal cap on the back unscrews and you and then you can unplug the cable, which only has two terminals despite the 3-pin DIN. There is clearly a motor of some kind in there but it does not appear to be a blower despite the vents.
It’s impossible to show in the pictures but there is a metal piece at the base inside of the hollow metal protrusion with slopes ramps and flat sides/drops. Probably meant to engage with whatever it turns without requiring precise alignment. Reminds me of the ratchet mechanism inside a click pen.
We’ve obviously got some kind of adjustment back here, hidden under the plug and metal end cap.
I doubt it’s vaping-related since the cable clearly tethers it to something (vapes stress portability).
No, the protrusion with O-rings is not a TRRS-style connector. It’s one metal piece.
I get the impression that maybe it was meant to be a drink mixer with different mixing attachments or something but it can’t be very strong: there’s nothing to anchor the attachments and keep them from spinning under high torque. Even then, it wouldn’t be a stand-alone device thanks to that connector. Not sure what base station would have such an attachment.