1280x1024=bad on a crt. It is not the same aspect ratio and things will look silghtly fatter than they really are. 1280x960 is the correct resolution to use. LCD screens that run 1280x1024 are different because their actual physical dimensions are 5:4, not 4:3 which crts are. Sorry but I feel more people need to be informed of this since the 1280x1024 blasphemy is so widespread. Some retard back in the days of 2mb video cards decided to make 1280x1024 a standard since that was the max resolution with a 2mb video card (maybe it was 1 mb can't remember). His logic must have been hey, why do 1280x960 when I can get a whole 64 more vertical scan lines with this awesome 2 mb video card and run 1280x1024!? The moron didn't stop to think about aspect ratios. Thank you and I hope I've enlightened at least a few people.