I've always been a registered Republican, but the Republicans in office now are NOT the real Republicans as they were in the '60's.
The self serving biggots that have taken over the Party now are more along the lines of the hardline Southern Democrats that were
such a pile of crap from back in the 60's - as a matter of fact, quite a few of those old redneck jerks that were Democrats then
actually quit the Democratic Party after being elected as a Democrat, and became Republicans. So many were elected by their
constituants to serve them as Democrats simply renegged on their political duty to those who elected them and became traitors to
the same people that oroginally put them into office, they did it because there was more money to be made by shilling to Corporate America
and doing things for thier own benefit - knowing that the voters couldn't do anything about it at all.
? Sen. Strom Thurmond (South Carolina) -- Democrat to GOP, (9/16/64)
? Sen. Phil Gramm (Texas) -- Democrat to GOP (1/5/83), switched while a member of the House
? Sen. Richard Shelby (Alabama) -- Democrat to GOP (11/9/94)
? Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell (Colorado) -- Democrat to GOP (3/3/95)
? Sen. Bob Smith (New Hampshire) -- GOP to Independent (7/13/99); Independent to GOP (11/1/1999)
? Rep. Bob Stump (Arizona) -- Democrat to GOP (9/24/81)
? Rep. Nathan Deal (Georgia) -- Democrat to GOP (4/10/95)
? Rep. Billy Tauzin (Lousiana) -- Democrat to GOP (8/6/95)
? Rep. Virgil Goode (Virginia) -- GOP to Independent (1/24/00)
? Sen. Bob Smith of New Hampshire, in 1999 (GOP to Independent, switched back to GOP in 2000)
? Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell of Colorado, in 1995 Democrat to GOP
? Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, in 1994 Democrat to GOP
? Sen. Harry Byrd Jr. of Virginia, in 1971 (Democrat to Independent)
? Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, in 1964. Democrat to GOP
? Rep. Virgil Goode of Virginia, in 1/24/2000. (Democrat to Independent, leaning GOP)
? Rep. Matthew Martinez of California (7/26/2000) (Democrat to GOP after being defeated in the Democratic primary)
? Rep. Nathan Deal of Georgia, (4/10/1995) Democrat to GOP
? Rep. Greg Laughlin of Texas, (6/26/1995) Democrat to GOP
? Rep. Billy Tauzin of Louisiana, (8/6/1995) Democrat to GOP
? Rep. Mike Parker of Mississippi (11/10/1995) Democrat to GOP
? Rep. Jimmy Hayes of Louisiana (12/1/1995) Democrat to GOP
? Rep. Tommy Robinson of Arkansas, (7/28/1989) Democrat to GOP
? Rep. Bill Grant of Florida, (2/21/1989) Democrat to GOP
? Rep. Andy Ireland of Florida, (7/5/1984) Democrat to GOP
? Rep. Phil Gramm of Texas, (1/5/1983) Democrat to GOP while in House, later elected to Senate as a Republican
? Rep. Eugene Atkinson, of Pennsylvania, (10/14/1981) Democrat to GOP
? Rep. Bob Stump of Arizona (9/24/1981) Democrat to GOP
So who is really a Democrat or a Republican ? Depends on who pays the most.