It's pretty cool that a machine with so much more power on tap is more efficient in day-to-day usage and can pack a mean punch when needed.
That is what I find crazy awesome about these 22nm cpus.
The lower active-idle is great, that saves money as a gift that keeps on giving, but you got all the performance capability in reserve, waiting in the wings so to speak, and at a moments notice you are able to throw four cores at 4GHz or so speeds into a problem to really slog it out.
I'm use to the low-power environment from my laptop, as others have deftly spoken too in this thread (thank you for all the contributions from the laptop owner crowd out there :thumbsup
Like Zodiark1593, I too have a 17" laptop and from an active-idle standpoint it is every bit as capable as my 3770k desktop (I can't tell the difference between the two when browsing these forums for example). But the laptop obviously tops out in a way that the 3770k doesn't when the going gets tough. The performance range on the laptop is much more restricted.
None of that is news though, not news to you and not news to me. What was news to me was that the active idle power usage of my desktop rig was approaching that of my desktop-replacement laptop.
I just checked the true idle power load of the desktop and it is 36W at the wall. That's silly low from my perspective. I love it, can't wait to see where Intel and AMD go with this in the future.
I feel like I just discovered my lambo can get the same gas mileage as my prius if I drive the speed limit in town. Of course that isn't true, my lambo doesn't get 50mpg just because I drive it at 25mph when taking the kids to school, but in computer-land it kind of is becoming true with these APU-based processors and ever more refined power control on the motherboards and inside the PSUs.
can have my cake and eat it too. I can have my lambo (3770k) get the same gas mileage as my Prius (laptop) when doing pedestrian stuff but I can still drop the hammer and gun it up to 200mph when I really need to brute force my way through a crowd to get that cherry parking spot close to the grocery store door