What is the most painful medical procedure you have had done?

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Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2005
total skin free flap(the entire thickness of skin is removed to the muscle)....they took a patch of skin 2X7 inch from my upper bicep and transfered it to my ankle.

skin grafts are bad but the total free flap is hell.


Oct 10, 1999
I've broken my hand, a finger, two toes and my right clavicle. The most painful was definitely the clavicle.

When I broke my clavicle, my shoulder was also dislocated. My shoulder looked like it was barely hanging on my body. When I went to the hospital, the doctor put a brace under my arms and around my back, and got behind me on his knees and said, "This is going to be uncomfortable." For me, that was the understatement of a lifetime. He put his knee in the middle of my back and pulled the braces as tight as he could get them. My shoulder made a really nasty grinding sound, and my shoulder "popped" into place. He then secured the brace behind my back, and I was like that for weeks.

I tried to stand up after he did it, and was sweating like a pig and couldn't really see straight. I blacked out for a few seconds and "woke up" with my aunt holding me up.

I was 14 if that gives any reference, but I still didn't cry ;)


Mar 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Descartes
I've broken my hand, a finger, two toes and my right clavicle. The most painful was definitely the clavicle.

When I broke my clavicle, my shoulder was also dislocated. My shoulder looked like it was barely hanging on my body. When I went to the hospital, the doctor put a brace under my arms and around my back, and got behind me on his knees and said, "This is going to be uncomfortable." For me, that was the understatement of a lifetime. He put his knee in the middle of my back and pulled the braces as tight as he could get them. My shoulder made a really nasty grinding sound, and my shoulder "popped" into place. He then secured the brace behind my back, and I was like that for weeks.

I tried to stand up after he did it, and was sweating like a pig and couldn't really see straight. I blacked out for a few seconds and "woke up" with my aunt holding me up.

I was 14 if that gives any reference, but I still didn't cry ;)

Breaking my collarbone was also insanely painful. This isn't exactly a medical procedure, but it still counts. Twas close to the end of the year, 10th grade. We're all playing flag football instead of taking world religions, including the teacher, and I get trucked real bad by my own teammate. I don't know if I broke it when he hit me or when I hit the floor, but as I was helped up I felt kinda off, then someone touched my shoulder and I started screaming.

My teacher thought it was a DISLOCATED SHOULDER and tried to "pop it back into place." When your collarbone is broken your range of motion doesn't exceed that of fapping, or maybe typing. Imagine having your entire arm lifted nearly on top of your head. After cussing him out, and then laying down on a bench due to the pain, my gym teacher came over and recognized it from when it happened to his son. This all happened at 12~1 PM. I didn't go to the ER until 6. They were all amazed that I had gone all day without any painkillers.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2001
I had to get ~20 shots in between my toes while getting 2 ingrown toenails fixed. 20 shots. In my toes.

The good news is that I take shots like a complete champ now. Doctors always comment on how still I am and whatnot.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Aquaman
Originally posted by: ForumMaster
i haven't had any major medical procedure, but about a month and a half ago, i begun to have trouble sitting down. it just hurt. eventually, i had to take a pain reliever to be able to walk. i went to the doctor and he inspected the source of the pain (it was in a most uncomfortable area: between my butt cheeks!) he discovered that i had an abscess there caused by a hair follicle that grew the wrong way.

any way, in the case of an abscess, it has to be surgically drained. i was sent to ER. i had to constantly take pills of Advil (Ibuprofen) so i could even walk. they surgically drained it at the hospital. they did supposedly inject me with a numbing agent to relive any pain i might have, but the procedure was done before it could affect me. needless to say, it hurt. a lot.

this thing can happen to anyone anywhere. hope it never happens to you guys. i was then told to (under doctors orders and no, i am not making this up,) keep my butt shaved for at least 2 month! that's not a ritual i like to do!

Woot for the Pilonidal cyst


yeah that's the one. all i remembered was the word abscess. why woot though?


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
when I was a kid I managed to get my toe knocked out of the socket by running into a tree stump (never understood why there is a tree stump right below the circumference of a merry go round)

The bone setter pulled the toe straight and then jammed it back into location.

I could not scream because I was sucking air.


Dec 11, 2006
Skin grafts are nothing compared to the rest of the burn treatment. Copied and pasted from the worst pain ever thread.

3rd degree burns over 1/3rd of my body caused by 700 degree roofing asphalt when I was 16 years old and working a summer job. Basically, I was hauling some material backwards and the crane driver, who was acting foreman while our normal foreman was on vacation, pushed a mop cart directly behind me without warning me. I hit the back of my knees on the cart and fell backwards into the hot asphalt. My right hand instinctively went back to brace my fall and actually sat in the asphalt for a good 60 seconds. I was leaning back to far to stand straight up so I rolled over to get out of it and the whole thing basically dumped on my back and arms.

Asphalt isn?t like cooking grease. Grease gets on your skin at 500 degrees and a minute later its at room temp. Asphalt on the other hand just keeps on cooking so the crew threw two water coolers full of ice water on me to shock the asphalt. That saved my hand but presented a new problem. When I got into the burn clinic the asphalt was basically fused to my skin and they only had one way to get it off, by peeling it off (along with the skin it was fused too). Think being flayed alive. They couldn?t put me to sleep because I was in shock and they couldn?t give me massive doses of morphine for the same reason. So, for 4 hours they peeled my skin off while I screamed like a bitch in more pain then I thought the human body could endure before shutting down. It was so bad that, even though I didn?t want to die I wouldn?t have thought twice about shooting myself at the time simply to make the pain stop.

Unfortunately the story doesn?t stop there. The treatment for burns like that is almost as bad as the injury itself. Every morning they woke me up and brought me to a room with a stainless steel chair that sat on a pedestal with all kinds of hoses coming out of it. There I went through my daily debreedment (sp?). That is where they basically take a steel brillo pad and scrub the hell out of your fresh burn wounds. The point is to remove all the dead skin to avoid infection and to allow new skin to grow. The mental and physical pain is unexplainable. I tried to stay awake at night as late as possible because I knew as soon as I went to sleep I would awake to that god forsaken room. I begged and pleaded with the nurses to not bring me to that room everyday but every god damned day they would wake me up and take me in there.

The two skin graft surgeries that I got while in the hospital where a cakewalk compared to the rest.



Feb 22, 2007
Was really sick and had to have a catheter inserted.
I shouted when they did it.
Never want to experience that again.



Jun 27, 2004
Like some of you have said: ingrown toenail removal. Those shots hurt like a motherfucker!


Dec 17, 2001
I broke my jaw and was in surgery for 7 hours. That was easy because I was knocked out, but the worst was the 2 month recovery where my mouth was wired up with all these jagged wires (I had to change wax on them constantly). Lips were all chapped and scabbed due to being pried open for 7 hours... couldn't eat solid food for the whole 2 months. Not to mention I was in grade school, not the best time for a kid to be walking around looking like a monstrosity.

Oh and I should mention, I didn't even get the surgery until a week after my jaw broke. In the meantime I could move what was left of my front teeth back and forth in unison, because they were all attached to the same broken bone that was dangling loose.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2005
Originally posted by: Darwin333
Skin grafts are nothing compared to the rest of the burn treatment. Copied and pasted from the worst pain ever thread.

3rd degree burns over 1/3rd of my body caused by 700 degree roofing asphalt when I was 16 years old and working a summer job. Basically, I was hauling some material backwards and the crane driver, who was acting foreman while our normal foreman was on vacation, pushed a mop cart directly behind me without warning me. I hit the back of my knees on the cart and fell backwards into the hot asphalt. My right hand instinctively went back to brace my fall and actually sat in the asphalt for a good 60 seconds. I was leaning back to far to stand straight up so I rolled over to get out of it and the whole thing basically dumped on my back and arms.

Asphalt isn?t like cooking grease. Grease gets on your skin at 500 degrees and a minute later its at room temp. Asphalt on the other hand just keeps on cooking so the crew threw two water coolers full of ice water on me to shock the asphalt. That saved my hand but presented a new problem. When I got into the burn clinic the asphalt was basically fused to my skin and they only had one way to get it off, by peeling it off (along with the skin it was fused too). Think being flayed alive. They couldn?t put me to sleep because I was in shock and they couldn?t give me massive doses of morphine for the same reason. So, for 4 hours they peeled my skin off while I screamed like a bitch in more pain then I thought the human body could endure before shutting down. It was so bad that, even though I didn?t want to die I wouldn?t have thought twice about shooting myself at the time simply to make the pain stop.

Unfortunately the story doesn?t stop there. The treatment for burns like that is almost as bad as the injury itself. Every morning they woke me up and brought me to a room with a stainless steel chair that sat on a pedestal with all kinds of hoses coming out of it. There I went through my daily debreedment (sp?). That is where they basically take a steel brillo pad and scrub the hell out of your fresh burn wounds. The point is to remove all the dead skin to avoid infection and to allow new skin to grow. The mental and physical pain is unexplainable. I tried to stay awake at night as late as possible because I knew as soon as I went to sleep I would awake to that god forsaken room. I begged and pleaded with the nurses to not bring me to that room everyday but every god damned day they would wake me up and take me in there.

The two skin graft surgeries that I got while in the hospital where a cakewalk compared to the rest.

nothing trumps this, thread over


Jul 20, 2004
open heart surgery to replace a faulty aortic valve 3 years ago when I was 18.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
I have hydrocephalus, and when I was 6 I had my shunt replaced. I don't remember anything about the procedure, but the idiot doctor decided to use surgical staples to seal the incision. Removing staples from your head hurts like a bitch. :D

Aside from that, it would probably be getting appendicitis when I was 6, and in the hospital for several more unrelated surgeries. I've been told there were four or five doctors around my bed, and none of them could figure out why I screamed like hell every time they touched me. Fortunately they figured it out and got it out just in time.

Compared to what some of you guys have experienced though, that stuff is nowhere close...


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
It was during my gender reassignment surgery.
I went from a male to a female and the had to remove half my brain. /old joke
<thank you, I'll be here all week>

then you went back to male and got the full lobotomy this time.

now *that* was painful. :laugh:


Diamond Member
Dec 20, 2005
Cavity filling. Something about dentists saying something was better if I didn't get novacaine, and I accepted. Geez, dentist msut have seen my face explode when she hit the nerve.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2001
i broke my collarbone too (left one) in three pieces snowboardingl. for some reason I don't recall it ever being that painful. At the hospital they asked me to rate the pain from 1-10 and I think I said something like 2 or 3. Maybe I was just lucky.


Dec 1, 2001
I highsided my bike and broke my hip and shattered the right side of my pelvis. Got to experience the fun of laying on the side of the road for an hour or two before an ambulance could get there. Then two and a half days in ICU waiting for surgery. The most painful part probably was actually after the surgery when they went to do xrays and had to roll me on my side to get some shots; that was fairly painful.


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2006
Originally posted by: Darwin333
Skin grafts are nothing compared to the rest of the burn treatment. Copied and pasted from the worst pain ever thread.

3rd degree burns over 1/3rd of my body caused by 700 degree roofing asphalt when I was 16 years old and working a summer job. Basically, I was hauling some material backwards and the crane driver, who was acting foreman while our normal foreman was on vacation, pushed a mop cart directly behind me without warning me. I hit the back of my knees on the cart and fell backwards into the hot asphalt. My right hand instinctively went back to brace my fall and actually sat in the asphalt for a good 60 seconds. I was leaning back to far to stand straight up so I rolled over to get out of it and the whole thing basically dumped on my back and arms.

Asphalt isn?t like cooking grease. Grease gets on your skin at 500 degrees and a minute later its at room temp. Asphalt on the other hand just keeps on cooking so the crew threw two water coolers full of ice water on me to shock the asphalt. That saved my hand but presented a new problem. When I got into the burn clinic the asphalt was basically fused to my skin and they only had one way to get it off, by peeling it off (along with the skin it was fused too). Think being flayed alive. They couldn?t put me to sleep because I was in shock and they couldn?t give me massive doses of morphine for the same reason. So, for 4 hours they peeled my skin off while I screamed like a bitch in more pain then I thought the human body could endure before shutting down. It was so bad that, even though I didn?t want to die I wouldn?t have thought twice about shooting myself at the time simply to make the pain stop.

Unfortunately the story doesn?t stop there. The treatment for burns like that is almost as bad as the injury itself. Every morning they woke me up and brought me to a room with a stainless steel chair that sat on a pedestal with all kinds of hoses coming out of it. There I went through my daily debreedment (sp?). That is where they basically take a steel brillo pad and scrub the hell out of your fresh burn wounds. The point is to remove all the dead skin to avoid infection and to allow new skin to grow. The mental and physical pain is unexplainable. I tried to stay awake at night as late as possible because I knew as soon as I went to sleep I would awake to that god forsaken room. I begged and pleaded with the nurses to not bring me to that room everyday but every god damned day they would wake me up and take me in there.

The two skin graft surgeries that I got while in the hospital where a cakewalk compared to the rest.

I read this one in the other thread. It's just horrible. :(


Apr 26, 2001
I'm with Darwin333, had daily debreedment treatment when I had 3rd degree burns on 80% of my feet.

That and also them pulling the melted nylon sleeping bag pieces that were fused to my feet out before the debreeding.

Nothing has ever and probably will ever come close to that level of pain.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
I expected the most common ATOT response would be:

Originally posted by: Average ATOTer
Penis shrinking surgery. The girls in my harem told me I was just too big, so I had it shrunk for 20 inches to 12. It's still the girth of a soda can. Also, I drive a Ferrari and make an 8 figure salary.

Personally I've only had one medical procedure, and that was the removal of my wisdom teeth. The procedure wasn't painful at all. The following week was mostly annoying, what with all of the bleeding and mouth gauze, but it wasn't very painful (very mild pain medication).

My collarbone broke, but it was a clean break and healed naturally over about 6 months. Yes, it was initially somewhat painful, but a little vicodin fixed that (my doctor was practically the candy man, I ended up not using the last refill because the pain was gone by then). I had to wear a figure 8 splint during that time. No surgery required

squirrel dog

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
I had my right knee scoped , then 1 year later replaced . That sucked . I'm all better now , but there aint nothin like a real knee . Took 1 year for the swelling to go down.


Mar 6, 2004
Originally posted by: mrSHEiK124
Originally posted by: Descartes
I've broken my hand, a finger, two toes and my right clavicle. The most painful was definitely the clavicle.

When I broke my clavicle, my shoulder was also dislocated. My shoulder looked like it was barely hanging on my body. When I went to the hospital, the doctor put a brace under my arms and around my back, and got behind me on his knees and said, "This is going to be uncomfortable." For me, that was the understatement of a lifetime. He put his knee in the middle of my back and pulled the braces as tight as he could get them. My shoulder made a really nasty grinding sound, and my shoulder "popped" into place. He then secured the brace behind my back, and I was like that for weeks.

I tried to stand up after he did it, and was sweating like a pig and couldn't really see straight. I blacked out for a few seconds and "woke up" with my aunt holding me up.

I was 14 if that gives any reference, but I still didn't cry ;)

Breaking my collarbone was also insanely painful. This isn't exactly a medical procedure, but it still counts. Twas close to the end of the year, 10th grade. We're all playing flag football instead of taking world religions, including the teacher, and I get trucked real bad by my own teammate. I don't know if I broke it when he hit me or when I hit the floor, but as I was helped up I felt kinda off, then someone touched my shoulder and I started screaming.

My teacher thought it was a DISLOCATED SHOULDER and tried to "pop it back into place." When your collarbone is broken your range of motion doesn't exceed that of fapping, or maybe typing. Imagine having your entire arm lifted nearly on top of your head. After cussing him out, and then laying down on a bench due to the pain, my gym teacher came over and recognized it from when it happened to his son. This all happened at 12~1 PM. I didn't go to the ER until 6. They were all amazed that I had gone all day without any painkillers.

Oh, and I'd like to add it's probably a damn good thing he tried to "pop my shoulder back in," otherwise they probably would have had to fully break/set the bone later during the day. I got all the pain in one dose :p


Dec 18, 2001
I've never had anything major. The most painful that i can think of is an ingrown toenail removal. It wasn't the removal or anything after. The first doctor i went to about it, didn't know what he was doing, and gave me 13 injections all around my big toe. I later found out from another doctor that there are only 4 required to numb the nerves leading to the toe...but apparently this first doc didn't know that. So...the one between my big toe and second one, in the webbing...hurt quite a bit.