What is the best task automation software out there?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2005
What are you trying to do? A little more info would help.

I hope to automate tasks like creation and generation of reports in my office environment and it looks like I found a solution to my needs.

AutoMate BPA rocks!!!!


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2001
i use php with fpdf or the excel engine to create insane reports using ado or sql or whatever. then just setup a routine to run them on schedule or demand. not as easy as crystal reports but i need super flexibility in scheduling and ranges plus multi-sources (i might pull from 3 databases of different type to gather all the information). this isn't that hard. the excel writer pear plugin is VERY nice and execs love xls for some reason. alot of businesses take the xls files then run macro's on them to export them to their own erp systems if they do not have a a dedicated xml or edi middleware to handle it. good thing about xls is everything opens it (openoffice, OLE, etc). you can even use ODBC to open xls files as source and sql statements to fetch data from the worksheets.

plus of course its free to do it your own way and not having to pay for commercial software is a huge++


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2011
Your question is a bit hard to answer without much more info.
It's hard to say exactly what you need it for.

Winautomation is one of the easiest local program automation tools around right now but something else might suite you better.

Check out a review of some of the top automation software over at Automation-Software.org

PS I'll have to look at the one you mentioned. So thanks!