What high end card is the Intel HD4000 comparable to?


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2005
If you want to do a comparison, you can give me some base line numbers and I'll start popping in cards till we find a match. =P

No idea really but I think there was an article recently that determined that Iphones are on par with 7800 GTX's or something.


Diamond Member
Sep 12, 2012
HD 4000 is MUCH better than a 6800U for anything using shader model 3.0 or higher.

actually it's probably better than anything older than a 8800 (late 2006) series.

a X1950XT will maybe get close to it (3dmark06 score is close), but because of how poor is the driver support and old architecture with with "vertex and pixel shader processors", I think the HD 4000 is always going to be better for DX9C games, and the HD4000 supports DX10/DX11, the X1950XT does not..

so I would place the HD 4000 higher than anything older than a 8800GTX.