What gives you personal satisfaction in life?

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Aug 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Liviathan
Originally posted by: aidanjm
Originally posted by: Liviathan
Originally posted by: meltdown75
Sounds like you need to go through some crazy sh!t so you learn to appreciate what you have dude. Once you realize how lucky you are, you will cherish the ho-hum nature of your life.

"It's not about getting what you want, but wanting what you've got."
- Sheryl Crow, 'Soak Up the Sun'

edit: Join fight club or something. ;)

I thought about starting my own fight club, would feel alive I think. But the one guy I punched didn't punched back.

?? Jesus. I hope you asked him before you hit him. :)


So you just selected someone at random?


Platinum Member
Jun 25, 2004
Originally posted by: Fritzo
Life is what you make of it. It sounds like you're just letting your clay sit in an ugly lump instead of sculpting it into a work of art.

Wow...that was profound! I just made that up! :shocked:


J Heartless Slick

Golden Member
Nov 11, 1999
Originally posted by: Liviathan
Lets see wake up at 7, go to work, come home...eat...maybe go to the gym, run or something...go to sleep, and do it all over the next day.

I am 29...not married, or want to....EVER!

If this what life is like? I know thats pretty much what my parents life is like. I hope there is more to it. I probably should get some hobbies or something, but really whats the point?!! If this what the next 30-40 years got for me....WTF!?

I don't think i'm depressed...not yet...but really, I need some motivation.

If you are doing what you want to do, then chance your life.


Platinum Member
Feb 21, 2001
Originally posted by: J Heartless Slick
Originally posted by: Liviathan
Lets see wake up at 7, go to work, come home...eat...maybe go to the gym, run or something...go to sleep, and do it all over the next day.

I am 29...not married, or want to....EVER!

If this what life is like? I know thats pretty much what my parents life is like. I hope there is more to it. I probably should get some hobbies or something, but really whats the point?!! If this what the next 30-40 years got for me....WTF!?

I don't think i'm depressed...not yet...but really, I need some motivation.

If you are doing what you want to do, then chance your life.

Yeah that seems to be the bottom line.


Platinum Member
Feb 21, 2001
Well after reading everything here and doing some thinking...i still have no personal satisfaction and I'm really not happy with anything in life.

I am trying to figure out ways just to start over...new job, friends, new life. Really don't have that many friends. And life is just too complicated....feel like nothing is ever easy for me.

I have started to think about what makes me happy, REALLY HAPPY. Hopefully I can stop feeling so crappy soon.