What do most people consider a "smooth framerate" in games? +60fps?


Senior member
Jun 10, 2003

I was wondering what most people consider a smooth framerate in games? +60 fps?..

Also, is it true that if your fps is higher then your cards refresh rate you can have problems? I believe something called "vertical sync" or whatever is supposed to solve this. Anybody knows more about this?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2001
The only problem I've heard of when running vsynch off is texture ripping. For me, smooth gameplay is about 45FPS or higher.


Senior member
Mar 29, 2004
Anything over 60 FPS your eyes can't tell the difference. For example, movies are filmed at 24FPS, and DVD's are filmed @ 28FPS. I play FarCry @ 50-60FPS and it is plenty smooth for me.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2000
jhurst, your comments don't make sense. you make it sound like all people have the same sensitivity to framerate, might as well aruge that we can all only jump so high as well. and then you make a statment as if movies are re-filmed before they are put out on dvd, you didn't really mean to imply that did you? furthermore, what does the framerate of movies do to provide an example of your 60fps claim?

anyway, about 45fps is butter for me.

Originally posted by: Dance123

Also, is it true that if your fps is higher then your cards refresh rate you can have problems? I believe something called "vertical sync" or whatever is supposed to solve this. Anybody knows more about this?

well cards don't have refresh rates, monitors do; and you get screen tearing when the video card swaps frames in the middle of a refresh. this isn't just when you have more fps than refreshs, but anytime your frames are not syncronized with your refresh.


Platinum Member
Jul 16, 2002
for me a smooth framerate is a consistent one. I wish that card software provided a user setting that would allow one to select a consistent desired framerate (say 35 fps). I just find it incredibly distracting when frames shift between 20 and 300 fps. So long as the fps are consistent I could handle games as low as 30 fps. Of course optimum would be over 50.


Senior member
Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: TheSnowman
jhurst, your comments don't make sense. you make it sound like all people have the same sensitivity to framerate, might as well aruge that we can all only jump so high as well. and then you make a statment as if movies are re-filmed before they are put out on dvd, you didn't really mean to imply that did you? furthermore, what does the framerate of movies do to provide an example of your 60fps claim?

anyway, about 45fps is butter for me.

Originally posted by: Dance123

Also, is it true that if your fps is higher then your cards refresh rate you can have problems? I believe something called "vertical sync" or whatever is supposed to solve this. Anybody knows more about this?

well cards don't have refresh rates, monitors do; and you get screen tearing when the video card swaps frames in the middle of a refresh. this isn't just when you have more fps than refreshs, but anytime your frames are not syncronized with your refresh.

I'm not "aruging" anything. You are correct, for some people 45FPS is plenty smooth. I prefer 50-60 on average, b/c there are times the game runs at 70-80, and times it runs @ 40. I wouldn't want to see it dropping into the 30's.

I made the reference to films b/c they are viewed at fairly low FPS but yet they still run smooth. During gaming, quick movements require a high FPS or else you get blur.