What are your odd talents?

Jfrag Teh Foul

Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2001
One of mine... Using an iron. I can iron a shirt better than most anyone I know. I guess it is something I picked up while in the military. /shrug

I have oddly accurate reflexes as well. For example, one day while in class I was flipping a pencil around with my fingers when a bee flew over my right shoulder. Without a thought, I flipped the pencil around to where I was holding the lead end of it and then proceeded to knock the crap out of the bee with the eraser... in mid air... followed by me acting like I meant to do it by standing up and walking over to it and stomping it into oblivion.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2000
I can lie flat on my stomach on the ground with a full erection -- yes, it's that small...


Diamond Member
Sep 12, 2000
I can spin a basketball on my index finger, then swich to middle, then ring, then pinky, then back to ring, middle, and then back to my index finger. On my left hand only. My right hand is a dumbass.


Jul 1, 2001
Not sure how odd it is, but I can roll my tongue and scratch my nose with my upper lip. Just not at the same time, though :)


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: StormRider
I can lie flat on my stomach on the ground with a full erection -- yes, it's that small...

i had that same problem until i tried this! yes i went from 1/2 inch to 9 inches! It saved my marriage! my wife has never been happier! my Girlfriend is happy! the sheep out on the farm arnt though i think its to big for them. but the cow loves it!

yes friends my life has never been better! i have self-confidence! I can make a tent without the pole!


Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
i'm really flexible.

i can touch the floor with my palms with my knees locked, then
put my chest against my legs.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: MercenaryForHire
I can lick both eyebrows and breathe through my ears.

- M4H

you can lick your eyebrows? i bet the women just LOVE you!


Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2003
Originally posted by: MercenaryForHire
I can lick both eyebrows and breathe through my ears.

- M4H

Whose eyebrows we talking about here? I'm hoping it's that european supermodel chick you have been dating on-and off. :)
If not.. ewwww !


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2003
I don't have any weird talents :(.

My brother can say ANY word backwards without even thinking about it. You give him a word - any word - complexity, length, etc. doesn't matter. He'll instantly say it back to you in reverse :Q. It's actually kind of disturbing. If you take the time to sound out the word backwards (everyone else has to think about it) he's ALWAYS right.

Oh, and my other brother can beatbox like a mfer. He's won like 2 local talent competitions and has been on public access TV here doing it :D.

i can replicate the sound of a watter dripping

i can make marble sized spit bubbles on my tongue and blow them out of my mouth so they float away

i can open my mouth and squirt saliva out...accurately...up to about 5 or 6 feet

i can clap with one hand

like another poster...i have amazing reflexes
i can knock something off my desk with my elbow, turn to that side, reach UNDER the object and catch it before it lands - even if it's a piece of paper and doesn't travel straight down
a few weeks ago i tipped of my jar of knives in the kitchen, 6 steak knives all slid off the countertop - i caught 5 of the 6 in one hand without cutting myself

i can also stay awake for lengthy amounts of time...36-48 hours
i can also sleep for really long times .... 16-24 hours...so long that it scares my wife


Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2003
I have good strength and high tolerance of pain. Pretty boring but cool i guess.

When i used to work in retail, this cash register would start to slip off it's ledge thingie every time the drawer opened. One time, i rang something up, and it started to fall. My right hand was in front of the open drawer as the whole register fell toward the floor. I reached down towards the floor, and did an upward swoop with one hand where i closed the drawer and caught the machine and lifted it up all the way back up. Kinda freaky actually. It was one of those heavy ones too.
Also, my uncle has this dining table with brass legs and stone top. I was walking by it, and hit my pinkie toe on the corner of the brass leg and moved the table about 2 inches with no damage to me.. i didn't even realize what i did. No Pain or anything. Everyone was paralysed and thought my toes must be broken.. Pretty funny actually.


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2003
Originally posted by: jntdesign

i can open my mouth and squirt saliva out...accurately...up to about 5 or 6 feet

So can I! Just gotta rub my tongue a little and VOILA! Squirt Squirt Squirt.


Originally posted by: TommyVercetti
Originally posted by: jntdesign

i can open my mouth and squirt saliva out...accurately...up to about 5 or 6 feet

So can I! Just gotta rub my tongue a little and VOILA! Squirt Squirt Squirt.

have you ever used it in improper ways?
I was a real jerk in school and would "shoot" people in the hallways - they'd never know where it came from


Apr 23, 2000
I proudly hold my pee-pee with all 4 fingers while going to the bathroom. :D

Unfortunately, I end up peeing on 3 of them. :frown:


Oct 21, 2000
Originally posted by: Black88GTA
I don't have any weird talents :(.

My brother can say ANY word backwards without even thinking about it. You give him a word - any word - complexity, length, etc. doesn't matter. He'll instantly say it back to you in reverse :Q. It's actually kind of disturbing. If you take the time to sound out the word backwards (everyone else has to think about it) he's ALWAYS right.

Oh, and my other brother can beatbox like a mfer. He's won like 2 local talent competitions and has been on public access TV here doing it :D.

Can you make a mp3 of you throwing words at your brother and him saying it backwards?


Apr 29, 2001
I can lick my nose and chin... I can put both feet behind my head. I can rotate both wrists 360 degrees so my hand returns to perfect orientation.
I used to be able to sleep for perfect amounts of time. Like if i wanted to take a 15 minute nap I wouldnt set an alarm clock. I'd just wake up in 15 minutes.


Diamond Member
May 29, 2002
Besides the fact that I get really good at almost anything really quick, I can swallow with my mouth open and my tongue resting (not helping to push the food down). Don't know how common that is.


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2003
Originally posted by: jntdesign
Originally posted by: TommyVercetti
Originally posted by: jntdesign

i can open my mouth and squirt saliva out...accurately...up to about 5 or 6 feet

So can I! Just gotta rub my tongue a little and VOILA! Squirt Squirt Squirt.

have you ever used it in improper ways?
I was a real jerk in school and would "shoot" people in the hallways - they'd never know where it came from

Hahah.. no. But i think this technique is used by trumpet and sax players to wet their mouth when it becomes dry.