What are some good free 2d games for the PC right now? What would you consider a recent 2d classic game? (any system)


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2000
I guess my age is showing on this post as I'm still a huge fan of 2d games. I used to love playing those old school games like Black Tiger, Strider, Shinobi, etc..

N+ is probably the best free 2d game I've played in recent years. I'm curious what else is out there that I might have missed.

As far as 2d classics within the last few years I'd probably say Viewtiful Joe and Okami would be near the top of the pack. Guilty Gear XX is also amazing and I think there's a few 2d fighters due to hit the 360 late this year. Its kinda nice to see that there's still a market for the 2d game.

Edit: I guess Okami is really a 3d game


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2004
Hurrican from the free games thread is worth checking out. The graphics look highly polished for a free game. It's pretty hard though.