well i guess this is how my semester ends.....

skim milk

Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2003
at the beginning of this sophomore year... i was hyped to study and Ace every class..... especially after screwing up my freshman year.

but that dream isnt coming true
finals week is right around the corner, i'll be luck to end up with two C's. From the looks of it, i need to get A's on all my finals to end up with two C's and rest B's.

I tried to stay busy this semester... working a lot, and taking more classes than i needed to... which i regret. My GPA is not even over 2.5 after three semesters.

I have three finals next week but too bad I'm gonna be working from the whole weekend to make any time to study..... i hate my job, i lost my motivation half way through the semester... and when the grades come out, im gonna be crying.
i should be blaming myself instead of b!tching... and try to work harder but it's hard when you're unmotivated and your dreams are shattering right in front of you from your actions... (my dream is to go to med school and become a psychiatrist... that's why grades matter. to get into med school in the first place. ) I guess it's going to require a lot of discipline, persistence and dedication..... hopefully I'll learn that sometime down the road. I'm young and dumb.... feeling hopeless about my future.
I'm probably gonna have to stay extra years at the university... do post-bac or grad school... in order to raise my gpa to head where i wanna go.



Golden Member
Sep 6, 2001
Sorry to hear that. Sometimes you just have to stick with it and get it done. Who cares if you have to go an extra year, school is more fun than the real world, trust me.


Senior member
Jan 20, 2001
That sucks man. Maybe you want to change majors or something? My grades are high because I really enjoy what I am studying in Uni. If not, you still have 2 more years to buck up, just don?t procrastinate. That?s what really gets you. Set reasonable goals as well. A 4.0 average is not really attainable for most students. I just strive to make deans list each semester.

Study hard for all your finals and don?t be disheartened. Everything will work out in the end.


Jun 11, 2002
mah friend..i am in the same state..first semester freshman

bombed one course and have to drop it (DUMBCRAP accounting)
now i have 3 courses left..economics is probably gonna murder me and so is calculus..

i know it is crappy semester but i am fighting on...don't give up!!!


Feb 3, 2000
Why don't you just work on campus (part time) and then devote the rest to studying. My guess is that you have LOTS of time but are just f&cking around... probably posting too much on ATOT or your study time isn't efficient and productive. After this quarter... look back and try to figure out what is causing you to f&ck up and handle it asap. MEDICAL SCHOOL is tough. The one's I know study their arse off or are damn geniuses (i.e. they are at my level in terms of maturity, creativity, personality, mentally, and general "smartness")