Well i am stupid


Senior member
Mar 17, 2005
Ok, i dont think i did anything really bad but i do feel stupid. At least i didnt fry my computer or something. So I have a ThermalTake Tsunami case and a audigy 2zs and my audio on the top of the case wasnt working so i decieded to try and fix it. The only thing that i could find that might help was the front panel audio connectors that i found in my motherboard booklet so i went right ahead and unplugged them. I thought that there was somewhere i could plug them into my audigy but being stupid i didnt look at the audigy booklet first. Now i have all 7 i think of them unplugged and my audio still doesnt work but i cant seem to figure out how to plug them back in as they are so small and i dont have very stable hands, so i was wondering since this didnt really change anything my audio didnt work before and it doesnt work now if it is bad to leave them unplugged. I sortof tucked them under my d-bracket wires so they would flop around.

Big Lar

Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
:) We ALL do some things that aren't very good at times/ don't feel bad.
What i would do, is search the web for reviews/whatnot on the card, and see if you can isolate pics as to what goes where.. good luck :)