D deftron Lifer Nov 17, 2000 10,868 1 0 Apr 27, 2002 #1 Welcome, FoCKUMODs the latest addition to the AnandTech forum. :Q I guess "Aloha" would be a more appropriate greeting since it means hello and goodbye
Welcome, FoCKUMODs the latest addition to the AnandTech forum. :Q I guess "Aloha" would be a more appropriate greeting since it means hello and goodbye
M Mookow Lifer Apr 24, 2001 10,162 0 0 Apr 27, 2002 #2 << Welcome, FoCKUMODs the latest addition to the AnandTech forum. :Q I guess "Aloha" would be a more appropriate greeting since it means hello and goodbye >> LOL. I wonder which (possibly former) member made that one?
<< Welcome, FoCKUMODs the latest addition to the AnandTech forum. :Q I guess "Aloha" would be a more appropriate greeting since it means hello and goodbye >> LOL. I wonder which (possibly former) member made that one?
Aves Lifer Feb 7, 2001 12,232 30 101 Apr 27, 2002 #3 << LOL. I wonder which (possibly former) member made that one? >> Same here.