there was this two way stop sign an i was trying to make a right onto the small street. i was on the main so i had right of way over those at the stop signs. well, it was traffic hour and i was waiting for the on coming traffic to pass so i could turn. the thing is, this guy coming opposite me was coming REAL SLOW!! the guy at the stop sign thats trying to get onto the main street by turning right (he's in a convertible) yells "(#*$*^$&*!(*#% HURRY UP $%@!@$^!(%!(*$" here's the funny part, because he was only looking the way of on coming traffic, he didn't notice the PO PO right next to him. as i made my right, the cop looks at him and says "what's ur problem" and pulls the guy over and makes sure that he did a 'road rage no no'.
u just had to be there.
u just had to be there.