Weak overclocker?


Junior Member
Mar 5, 2001
I have Soyo SY K7VTA-B Motherboard and Duron 800.

Last two days I was playing a lot with overclocking. Basically, I can't set multiplier higher than 9. 900Mhz, I can add more mhz by increasing FSB but this thing won't go higher than 110-111 Mhz, highest speed I was able to set on this system was 980Mhz.
Can you people tell me, why this CPU won't multiply more than by 9? I know, in average people get 1100Mhz from Duron 800.
Is it cause of bad MB? Well, I know this one is cheap, so do I want too much from it?
I just stroked those bridges with a good pencil.'
Can this be a cause of Green core on the CPU instead of Blue one?

Thanks in advance!


Golden Member
Jan 21, 2001
I'm guessing that you tried 9.5, but did you try higher? This is because my Duron won't work @9.5 but will work above that up to 11X. If that doesn't work, try redoing the bridges.


Senior member
Mar 28, 2000
You can always try redoing your bridges, and using a more permanent solution (conductive pen, defogger kit) You didn't mention what core voltage you are using. To get the higher overclocks, you gotta bump up your core voltage from default (1.75 V) To at least 1.80V or up to 1.85V I'm not sure how this is done on a Soyo board, but it is either an option in your bios (prob near your option to change the mulitiplier) or you have to set jumpers on the board, check your manual. That board uses the KT133 chipset, so with FSB o/c, you won't be able to get it to run much higher that 112 at most. Also, some chips just don't o/c that well, some times you get unlucky. I would definetely check into the core voltage though. Hope this helps :)


Junior Member
Mar 5, 2001
Thanks for reply, guys.

I tried x10 , x10.5 x11, none of them worked. I was doing it with core voltage of 1.81 (+0.25V) and overclocked FSB. So this might have been the problem. I should try again with high voltage but default core though.

But, if I was able to clock it to 9, doesn't this prove that pencil works?