Way to script deleting a file in XP so that it goes to recycle bin?


Senior member
Dec 20, 2002
Is there a way to script a batch file in XP (I know no PERL) so that a file goes to the recycle bin when it's deleted via CLI? If I use DEL in a batch/command window the file does not go to the recycle bin.

I do fairly frequent batch-encoding of video recorded on my MCE machine. The tool to re-encode DVR-MS files is just a CLI executable, so I put that in a batch file and put the DEL command below each file that I convert. Sometimes the re-encoding doesn't work and I'd to be able to restore the file and try again. So if there's a way to recover files deleted with the DEL command then that would be fine, too. I tried the old DOS "undelete" but that didn't work.

Any ideas?