Originally posted by: Bryophyte
Originally posted by: Kaervak
I politely tell people not to send me any chain letters again, I give them another couple of chances and I politely tell them not to do it again. After that I let them know I'm annoyed with them.. If they can't understand the basic concept of no I don't want this crap sent to me ever again and they keep sending it, I'm not going to be civil with them.
Thing is, we have dealt with this politely with her already. I guess I just lost my temper this time. I don't really regret sending it, but I dread our next meeting, whenever it might be.
Originally posted by: stormbv
I'll usually flame my grandma for sending them to me.
Originally posted by: PipBoy
For me at least when someone sends a lot of those chain emails it really lowers my opinion of them. I think, wow, have they really been this much of an idiot all along?