Wacked out and Freakishly CrazY Military Hazing Ritual......Shinki Cup


Golden Member
Nov 15, 1999
Has anyone else every heard about this....shiki or shinki cup

It is a really strange hazing ritual for when a person crosses the equator...I heard about it from a friend who heard it from his other friend. I searched for it on the internet and could'nt find anything. Can anybody verify that people actually do this.. PM me for the description if you would like it...its not really appropriate...but it is funny


Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2000
Yeah, I've heard that the navy does some funky stuff to new enlisted men when they first cross the equator.



Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2001
It's called getting your shellback. I was in the Army, but a lot of guys who were in the Navy prior to the Army told me about it.

All the services have some sort of hazing rituals for "FNG's". That stands for Fvcking New Guy. Doesn't matter what rank they are, when they are new to a unit they get some kind of hazing. Especially if you're coming out of Basic and are a new enlistee. They're too stupid to question anything. It's a lot of fun after you've been through yours.


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2001
It kind of makes sense because I recall them telling me they had to drink some kind of nasty sh!t as part of it. I wasn't in the Navy, I just heard about it from guys I was with in the Army that used to be Navy.


Oct 9, 2001
Main Entry: ba·zaar
Pronunciation: b&-'zär
Function: noun
Etymology: Persian bAzAr
Date: 1612
1 : an oriental market consisting of rows of shops or stalls selling miscellaneous goods
2 a : a place for the sale of goods b : DEPARTMENT STORE
3 : a fair for the sale of articles especially for charitable purposes

Main Entry: 1bi·zarre
Pronunciation: b&-'zär
Function: adjective
Etymology: French, from Italian bizzarro
Date: circa 1648
: strikingly out of the ordinary: as a : odd, extravagant, or eccentric in style or mode b : involving sensational contrasts or incongruities

i think you mean bizarre. :)


Sep 22, 2001
Hazing is not tolerated in any branch of the service. To quote one of my former CO's "This is not your father's Navy". There are many initiations and ceremonies associated with different events. All of these ceremonies are completely and totally voluntary. Any command that forced people to participate in these against their will or allowed hazing to occur would soon find itself under investigation and those responsible would soon find themselves in more trouble than they know what to do with. The first person to usuallly go is the Commanding Officer and as they say "Sh!t rolls downhill". Hazing is really no longer part of military life, despite what you hear to the contrary.


Jun 1, 2001
Dude, maybe they take the new guy shopping for shoes in a bazaar...you know those Navy guys ;) Keep on reachin' for that rainbow you crazy seamen

In the Army, when people were complainig about new guys, they'd refer to them as "F*ckin' FNG's"

Someone in the Army worked long and hard to make up that acronym so it was more PC, but you just can't keep a soldier from cursing



Golden Member
Nov 15, 1999

<< Hazing is not tolerated in any branch of the service. To quote one of my former CO's "This is not your father's Navy". There are many initiations and ceremonies associated with different events. All of these ceremonies are completely and totally voluntary. Any command that forced people to participate in these against their will or allowed hazing to occur would soon find itself under investigation and those responsible would soon find themselves in more trouble than they know what to do with. The first person to usuallly go is the Commanding Officer and as they say "Sh!t rolls downhill". Hazing is really no longer part of military life, despite what you hear to the contrary >>

Whoa!! Chill man.

This happened a long timew ago, does that make you feel better, and nobody got hurt
Jesus, why is everyone going crazy of semantics when this is about the "Cup"

BOMBERMAN... Have you really heard of it? PM to know what it is.

I really want to know that this is not something that my friend made up..


Sep 22, 2001

<< Whoa!! Chill man >>

I have no reason to "chill", I'm not upset. I was simply stating what is currently policy in the military. We have taken a lot of heat in the past (Tailhook and others) and I just want to make it clear that some behavior that was tolerated in the past is no longer tolerated.


Jun 13, 2000
Whoa!! Chill man.

This happened a long timew ago, does that make you feel better, and nobody got hurt
Jesus, why is everyone going crazy of semantics when this is about the "Cup"

I think you're the one that has to chill. All he did was give an explanation that the military today is not the same military that use to do hazing. From your posts, i got the impression that this was still happening.



Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2001

<< Hazing is not tolerated in any branch of the service. To quote one of my former CO's "This is not your father's Navy". There are many initiations and ceremonies associated with different events. All of these ceremonies are completely and totally voluntary. Any command that forced people to participate in these against their will or allowed hazing to occur would soon find itself under investigation and those responsible would soon find themselves in more trouble than they know what to do with. The first person to usuallly go is the Commanding Officer and as they say "Sh!t rolls downhill". Hazing is really no longer part of military life, despite what you hear to the contrary. >>

Okay, thank you. But I can tell you (I WAS the CO three years ago!) that it still happens even though it's prohibited. First of all, what FNG is going to say no to something? He'll be perceived as a wuss for the rest of the duration. Also, hazing is just like drinking in the field. It's prohibited, you are absolutely not supposed to be doing it, but yet everytime we went to the field, there were garbage full of beer cans around certain sections. If you, as a CO tell them you will not tolerate something, all the enlisted guys are going to do is take measures not to get caught, but they'll still do it. The difference is you have to crush someone's nuts when you catch them doing something you specifically told them not to. Then, they'll get even more discreet, but it won't stop.

You may disagree, you didn't tell me what branch or time in service was, but I had over 14 years, half as enlisted (reached E6 SSG), and half as officer (reached O3 CPT). I feel that I have a good grasp on what's going on with both the enlisted and officer side. And to answer your next question, yes I do think most officers are *ssholes. Most of them are either too young, dumb, and full of you know what to know any better to make a good decision, or their ego won't let them listen to their advisors or senior enlisted people to make good decisions.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2001
<< I have no reason to "chill", I'm not upset. I was simply stating what is currently policy in the military. We have taken a lot of heat in the past (Tailhook and others) and I just want to make it clear that some behavior that was tolerated in the past is no longer tolerated. >>

I received blood wings and blood rank for every promotion. Was I stronger for it? Not really. Did it help esprit de corps within my small unit? I think so. Did it seem stupid while I was beelding through winter weight BDUs after one particular promotion? Nope. Did I get in trouble when I was promoted to E-5 in front of the 82nd ABN Div museum and had two senior NCOs give me blood rank? Nope. Would I do it all again. In a heartbeat.

This was not that long ago. After the policy of "no hazing". It can be a good thing when used correctly and within reason.

Edit: Some links
"Unofficial" Navy Traditions


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2001
I forgot to mention that I was in the Field Artillery, not some REMF unit, so I was always in a combat arms unit that spent a lot of time in the field.

Things got boring sometimes and creative entertainment was the norm. Usually hilarious and sick kind of sh!t that really made you laugh, even if you were the butt of the joke.

For instance, grabbing the CO or lieutenant and sanding his b*lls. That means holding the victim down and throwing a handful of grease in his BDU trousers followed by many handfuls of sand. Bad stuff, but everyone went along with it because it was part of it. Resistance was truly futile.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2001
Artillery, Artillery
The King of Battle, follow me.........

Oh wait, that is Infantry and Queen of Battle.......

Ah, brings back memories

Canopy Lights, Keys to the Drop Zone, PrickLTs................


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2001
You mentioned that the CO is held responsible for this. Well, by coming out with official written policy and by disciplining individuals who participate in prohibited activities, the CO has cleverly transferred his liability to the Senior Enlisted person who is present.

Like I said, you can make rules like this till the end of time. It will still go on.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 1999
OK, but what about the shinki cup, man I want to hear some stories about it.. I made my girlfriend to it, and it was not that bad, bu then again we are not both sweaty men.

This is about the "cup" man....


Golden Member
Nov 15, 1999
man you guys are weak....come on I need a little verification here. Don't be affraid to "come out" and tell your story...


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
FNGs?? What ever happened to JEEP? Those were new guys in the Air Force though. Never did find out what it stood for or if it even did.

King Nepture still reigns


Feb 12, 2001
Um, we've got this whole long thread here anbd no one's even said what this Shinki Cup thing IS. Come on people.