W2k: System32 folder opens at startup


Senior member
Sep 29, 2000
I know this is an old problem, and MS has some solutions, but they don't seem to work for all cases.

Here is a solution that has worked form me when the old remedies failed:
NORTON SYSTEM WORKS 2001 - just run Win Doctor and let it find the problems.

If you have more than one W2k o/s, you may want to selectively choose what to let Norton fix. Some programs try to put pointers to the C: drive regardless where you have your o/s. Fix those links to point to your w2k drive.
I am cautious to allow it to fix links between o/s drives. I opted to not allow those fixes and all went well.

Most of the problems are coming form missing links or registry entries no longer valid. Let it automatically fix those.



Diamond Member
May 14, 2001
I've been running mine for over a year with no problems whatsoever also. I keep the registry clean and run Win-Doctor once a week and especially after any software install or upgrade. It's a great product as long as you turn off all the sensors and run everything manually. No BSOD's or crashes in year with Win 2000. I love it.