There is no need to stipulate that voter fraud occurs at a low-level. The article already provides that point. Neither do I need to provide evidence of widespread voter fraud because that is not what I claim.
I don't need to prove jack shit. My proof is in the constitution and the law. You need to prove that voter fraud is not illegal instead of trying to act as though the burden of proof to uphold the law on admitted illegal activity occurring is somehow on the person advocating that votes should be unequivocally fair. Rather than attempting to shift the burden of proof to my easily won side of the argument to your unwinnable side of the argument, however, you could use your brain and realize that voter fraud is a problem that you really don't want to exist, and that you are arguing to have votes not be fair.
The burden of proof is yours- if you advocate action, you must show sufficient cause.
The law is being upheld. Voter impersonation is prosecuted when discovered, just like any other crime. It's obviously a very infrequent occurrence, statistically insignificant, otherwise the usual ravers wouldn't have to resort to arguments like your own.
Show us the fraud. Give us the numbers, not the speculation that it "could" occur. Not how many dead people are on the rolls who don't vote. Not how many people with the same name voted in adjacent states. Show us that it occurs with sufficient frequency that the cure isn't worse than the disease, that it outweighs disenfranchisement concerns.
Obviously, you can't do that, or you would have.