Via KT333 to arrive in March?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Robert of Lucky Star Technology CO., Ltd sent us a mail that Lucky Star will launch the KTVA333 in march 2002. The KTVA333 will be based on VIA's KT-333 chipset, the successor of VIA's very popular VIAKT266A chipset.

The KT333 support PC2700 DDR and ATA-133. Interesting is that the 0.13 micron Athlon XP CPU's (Thoroughbred) will probably see the daylight at that time. So it is likely that Thoroughbred will come with a 166 MHz DDR interface.

ATA-133 might be more interesting than most of us think. Harddisks used to have 128-512 KB cache, but many harddisk today get shipped with 2 MB SDRAM caches, as the price for DRAM is so low. Such caches can easily use the full 133 MB/s of bandwidth. Industry sources told us that Serial ATA Harddisks will probably not be available before the first half of 2003. Serial ATA will start 150 MB/s but has the potential to scale to 300 MB/s en 600 MB/s.

aces hardware


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
[angel on right shoulder] whats, another four months? [angel on right shoulder]

[devil on left shoulder]UGRADED NOW BIATCH[devil on left shoulder]