using Soundstorm from the ABIT NF7-S board to get digital on AV reciever Pioneer VSX-D411


Jun 14, 2003
I have a ABit NF7-S board and I was wondering if I can use the 5.1 Digital out from it and plug it into my Home Audio reciever which is a Pioneer VSX-D411. I have been able to easily get the anolog signal but getting digital from it has been problematic. your 2 cents to how to go about doing that would be much appreciated.
PS: hope this is the right forum to post such an issue cause I think its more of a MOBO problem. If I goofed my appologies.


Jul 5, 2000
I had a NF7-S and did that. Sounds great.

The only problem I have seen, as I have the same problem from time to time with my VIA Envy soiund, is that a lot of devices will jump back to analog output when you restart. So i foyu don;t get any sound from the optical output, check the MANY settings to make sure analog is off and digital is ON.


Jun 14, 2003
do you know if I have to mess with the settings on the NVMixer and the that of the usual windows default sound settigns to make this work. I am having the same issue, running all the digital connects and still get hops to analog signals. Also wondering if anyone knows witht eh AV connects how do you diffentiate the left and right channel connects. At the moment I am just doing red for left and black for right. Using 3 AV Red Black to single mini jack cables to do this. Anything more needed to be done please inform me. Thanks