Upgrading..what would you do??


Senior member
Mar 21, 2001
Going for an upgrade...what do you think....
Ok I could possibly geta free a64 board... and then buy a 3000+ and use my existing ddr 333mhz mem in it until I get some 400mhz mem in...


I have Abit IS7-E board now and could pick up a p4 2.6c for dirt cheap from intel retail program which would let me buy memory and put the old cpu (1.6a@2.4) in to anothe r systemboard I have..... then overclock the 2.6...

What would you do?



Junior Member
Mar 7, 2004
The latter. With PCI-Express coming out, DDR2, Socket 939, if you have the ability to build a sufficient computer that will last you until those come out for very cheap that would be my choice. I'm in your position right now except that I have to buy my parts, (not cheap) and my only choice is really AMD 64 3200 because I don't want to have to sell my cpu+ mobo all over again really soon.