Upgrade Problems


Junior Member
Dec 3, 2004
Alright, my rig is:

ASUS A7N8X Deluxe 2.0
AMD 1700+
512MB PC3200
60 Gig WD x 2
SATA WD 80 Gig (Boot)
Sapphire ATI 9700 pro

Well.. this is all that went down.

I upgraded my CPU. I bought an AMD XP-M 2500+ and installed it and tried to run Windows.

1) Well, it was kinda obvious, but Windows stopped booting up. It stops at Mup.sys in safe mode. Just hangs in other modes.

2) That was the first problem. Then I put the original processor back, and the problem never went away. I performed bios upgrade. Problem still there.

3) Then I cleared up all the devices and tried to install windows on my IDE drive. Windows XP Pro. I get a Stop 0x07B error. Every time. Even when I tried a different Motherboard.

4) I tried running Knoppix from a CD. (Linux distribution that can be run from a CD). This CD ran from the second motherboard I got (an ABIT Via chipset), but not with ASUS.

Right now I'm running my original configuration with the newer processor, and I can't even clean install Windows due to the Stop 0x7B errors. I've tried everything. The IDE drive actually works. I used it today in my friend's computer. Formatted it NTFS. Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar 10, 2005
Well, if the Abit runs and the Asus doesn't, I'd say the Asus is toast. Before tossing it, try wiggling or reinserting the memory, vid card, etc.


Senior member
Nov 6, 2005
So the system was working fine and booted up windows fine until you tried to upgrade the microprocessor? Do I have that right? Did you check for any bent pins on the processor itself? Is the socket ok? Clean? I know these are basic questions but I'm just trying to help you find the problem because you seem to be in a bind. So bear with me but did you remember to pull the processor's socket lever all the way down and snap into position? Did you maybe knock into a ram stick unseating it a bit? Try pulling out the ram sticks and reseating them? These are some of the problems I've seen happen. You do wear a grounded wrist strap right? I know the likelihood is small, but it isn't exactly 0 either and it does sound like something got toasted.

Well hope that helps. Good luck. Keep messing with it. You'll find what the probelm is sooner or later, I always do.


Junior Member
Dec 3, 2004
Originally posted by: electron
So the system was working fine and booted up windows fine until you tried to upgrade the microprocessor? Do I have that right? Did you check for any bent pins on the processor itself? Is the socket ok? Clean? I know these are basic questions but I'm just trying to help you find the problem because you seem to be in a bind. So bear with me but did you remember to pull the processor's socket lever all the way down and snap into position? Did you maybe knock into a ram stick unseating it a bit? Try pulling out the ram sticks and reseating them? These are some of the problems I've seen happen. You do wear a grounded wrist strap right? I know the likelihood is small, but it isn't exactly 0 either and it does sound like something got toasted.

Well hope that helps. Good luck. Keep messing with it. You'll find what the probelm is sooner or later, I always do.

Well.. with the newer processor and a newer motherboard, I was able to run Knoppix. So, I don't think the processor is at fault. I think it's a BIOS problem or something similar. But even with the newer motherboard, I wasn't able to install Windows. It gives the same STOP 0x7b error.. which refers to BOOT DEVICE INACCESSIBLE or something.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Can you get into BIOS and tell us what the cpu is running at? And ram too pls.

As its a mobile it may have defaulted to FSB 100 x 6 (multi) meaning a 600mhz CPU.

Could be a problem if your ram is set to run at its rated speed of 200/400mhz.



Junior Member
Dec 3, 2004
the cpu is running at 600 MHz.. I've tried running it at 166x11.. RAM I've tried running at 100 mHz, 200 Mhz, 166 Mhz...

Nothing seems to be working..


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Try it something close to stock, which is 14 x 133mhz. That high of a multi may be a problem , not sure.

I'd first try 11 x 133mhz. Keep vcore low, IIRC correct stock s/b 1.45v. So use maybe 1.5v

Put your ram divider to 1:1 to keep it insynch

Or try

CPU at 10x 166mhz. Vcore 1.5v. Ram still in synch

Might also watch your ram's timings. At such low mhz may be defaulting to timings which are too tight. Use their 200/400mhz timings even at lower speeds.

Running memtest86 (free proggie, google it) is a good idea. Need to run it overnight for proper check.



Junior Member
Dec 3, 2004
hmm.. well.. for memtest, I was using the one provided with Knoppix. I'm just curious though.. How do you think RAM Timings and CPU Clock Speed can effect the Windows installation.. and result in stop errors..?


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
If the system is unstable, like ram or PSU not working properely, it'll foul-up a new install or an existing install.

I don't do winXP, wonder if it has a minimum CPU requirement above 600mhz? (EDIT: 300mhz is recommended, so no prob here)

I usually get real happy with my hardware and even hook-up a floppy driver (before the HDD) and run memtest86 overnight before I bother to hook up the HDD and install the OS etc. If the HW ain't working right, can foul-up the install making for a big waste of time.

Not all of my brand new HW has worked. Have gotten bad PSU, HS+F (fan didin't work) and ram from manufacturers
