Updated 9/20: Bing cashback


Jul 21, 2005
Dell at 20%
Updated 11/26

Bing Gold Rush Many people really like Microsoft's Bing cashback program, and with good reason: After buying stuff you were going to buy anyway, you get money back. Three percent here, 10 percent there--it adds up. Starting Black Friday, retailers like AT&T, eBay, Gap, Sears, and Walmart will be raising their cashback rates as high as 35 percent. Microsoft didn't give me any specific details, but if you're planning to shop online, Bing is probably a smart place to start.

Update 11/13:
This is the first update since the switch to vB. I figured I'd bump this and make some cosmetic changes, as well as some new info.

I put PHP tags around all the old info to make this first post shorter.

eBay cashback is at 8% still. I believe that as Christmas nears, we will see a big jump.

EDIT: Looks like the title isn't changing.....great.

First off, thanks Slickdeals for this:

Apparently Bing.com cashback is getting DOUBLED for all stores, which could / should mean eBay will receive the same deal, so our now measly 8% could mean 16% or more!

[quote]We?re gearing up for the back-to-school shopping season and as part of our commitment to the success of Bing CashBack, Microsoft is inviting you to participate in our back-to-school promotion where during August 2009 Microsoft will increase the percentage of CashBack rewards offered by CashBack advertisers. We?ll also begin a broad marketing campaign designed to increase traffic to and awareness of Bing Shopping and the CashBack program.

What this promotion means for you: [b]For a limited time beginning August 10, Microsoft will match your current product commission amounts, effectively doubling consumer CashBack on eligible purchases. For example, if a product currently sells for $100 with a discount of 10%, its doubled discount amount will be 20%, providing the consumer with a $20 CashBack rebate. Please note that commissions will be capped at 50%[/b]. Microsoft will completely fund the matched commission ? there are no additional costs for you as a result of this program. You will continue to pay the original commission amount[/quote]

Alive again.

UPDATE: Some AT'ers have reported that their cashback finally went through.

People are having trouble getting cashback.  Here is an email that has been sent out, so at least it SEEMS they are aware of the problem:
[quote][i]Originally posted by: [b]Billyzeke[/b][/i]
Here is the latest email I received from MS today:


Thank you for contacting us regarding your Live Search cashback payment.  

We have encountered a technical issue while processing some payments for recent eBay cashback purchases. We are actively investigating the root of the issue, in close partnership with eBay and PayPal, and are working to resolve this as quickly as possible. We'd like to assure customers that all eligible cashback payments which meet the Live Search cashback and eBay terms and conditions will be rewarded. We apologize for any delays and thank you for your patience. As soon as we have more information on the resolution of this issue, we will be back in touch.



Live Search cashback Support


[i]Update 12/31: currently dead and has been for a while.  We shall see...
Update 12/12: 'laptop parts' yielded 10% off Tigerdirect.com
Update 12/4 : "used pink" and "keyboard" yield 25% back from eBay stores
Update 11/30 - Target no longer listed, CC only at 5%
Update 11/25: Go to Live.com, search "Circuit city", look on the right hand side, and CC should have a 20% off link!
For Target, search 'ipod', look in same place on right for link.
Update 10/15 -- Now 12 purchases
Update 10/1: 30% is back up, open a few tabs with the Live search results open, and that should allow you to use the 30% even if/when it drops.  Do not click on the 30% off link, b/c once you do, you'll have 1 hour before it expires.
Update 8/14: Terms re done, you can now buy 6 things per account!! Also it appears max cashback per transaction is now $200, down from $250[/i]

=========== [b]O R I G I N A L   P O S T   B E L O W[/b] ======================

Thanks to CAG. And fatwallet and slickdeals  I will just copy/paste the OP from CAG.

[quote]just noticed this while doing a search on live.com for the wii... basically eBay is giving 35% off pretty much anything on their site (only Buy It Now w/ PayPal items) through a Microsoft CashBack program. this is huge... you can get up to $250 back. i just bought a roomba and got $100 off.

here's where i found the 35% off:[url="http://search.live.com/results.aspx?q=cheap+ps2&go=&form=QBLH"]link[/url] not sure if they have higher % off in other places?

here are the terms and conditions on eBay's site: [b]link deleted[/b]
looks like you can do this up to 3 times. [/quote]

This is only for BIN items, US Paypal accounts/eBay accounts only.

So basically, go to Live.com.  Search "cheap PS2" and there should be a 35% off thing up near sponsored links. (cheap PS3, 360 no longer work, they only yield 10%)  Click on that link.  It will take you to eBay, where you can now use eBay like normal.

To see if you get the 35%, it should show on the top left beside your name, but if it doesn't, find an item with BIN, click "Buy" and it will show on the confirmation page if the 35% is credited.

Once you click the link on Live.com, you have 1 hour before it expires.  You can buy stuff 3 times using the links.  I bought 2 expensive things, and got my 2 eBay messages saying I got cash back, but just waiting for it to credit to my Live account.

what will happen is once you buy, eBay will send you a message saying you got Cashback.  You then register on Live.com (free and easy), and it takes like a day or two to show your pending $$.  Then after 60 days you can transfer that money to your Paypal account, direct deposit, or get a check in mail.
Good luck!

Oh, and don't hold me responsible for anything, I'm just passing along info.  Buy at your 'risk'

I bought a PS3, supposed to get $145 back.

EDIT: Apparently if you have RoadRunner, something with connecting to the Live cashback site screws up, and you have to turn off redirection?  Just relaying what has been said in the last few posts.
Last edited:


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
I just did this an hour ago. I bought aair of Xeon cpus, and a Thermalright Ultra 120 Extreme. SWEETNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2002
Can someone give me a quick cliff on who is eating the cost? I don't get it, MS is willing to just eat 35% of a transaction they are not involved in? To what? Promote their live search?


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
It looks to be refunded back to you in 60 days. You can have them place the cashback in your paypal addy, bank account, or have them mail you a check.


Diamond Member
Nov 2, 1999
We don't advertise our ebay auctions here. You know that.

Rio Rebel
Senior Moderator


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2003

ebay link deleted

you can buy 6 $100 bills for ~680. 680 x .65 = 442. = $158 net gain each time. And you can do this 3 times?

James Bond

Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2005
Originally posted by: legoman666

ebay link deleted

you can buy 6 $100 bills for ~680. 680 x .65 = 442. = $158 net gain each time. And you can do this 3 times?

After reading the Terms/Conditions... it seems they have nothing preventing this.

Who wants to be first?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2003


Jul 21, 2005
Yeah someone else on CAG mentioned the buying money thing.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2005
Hmm.... I can finally buy myself that expencive bicycle I was saving up for. That or a PSP... or an Archos... lol.. I don't know which to choose. I think I'll go with the bike. At least that will go toward health improvement and fitness. ;)

On the other hand, maybe I should first wait till someone here actually gets their money back...


Senior member
Mar 6, 2000
Just bought a Q6600 for 198.00 less the 70.00 cash back. Sweet.
So can I buy other stuff later on or do I have to do all my shopping in 1 hour?


Jul 21, 2005
Originally posted by: deepinya
Shows 10% for me

Read my OP.

Try "cheap gamecube" or PS2

I'll be buying crap from eBay through this MS thing from now on.


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2001
Originally posted by: dakels
Can someone give me a quick cliff on who is eating the cost? I don't get it, MS is willing to just eat 35% of a transaction they are not involved in? To what? Promote their live search?

msft is blowing the money that was supposed to use for buying yahoo. win for us!


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2000
I thought MS was getting a loan to buy Yahoo. Deal off so loan cancelled right?


Golden Member
Mar 28, 2008
I don't understand how they can discriminate between what items are eligible for the 35% off as I can just find a link that will say 35% off and then go search for anything and buy. It will even say the amount I can get in cash back at the confirmation screen. So for example if I want a specific item but can only get the 35% off to show up with generic or irrelevant search terms like "cheap ps2". Then I click that and since the 35% off is there I go find the item I want by executing a search in that same window. Will that item be qualified? I skimmed a bit through the fatwallet and slickdeals threads but couldn't decipher if this is acceptable and I really don't want to have to read through the whole 72 and 162 page threads.

James Bond

Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2005
Just ordered 6 100$ bills twice. About $500 cash back headed my way.

I woulda done it a third time if I had a little more money in my acct ;)