Update on my 1.8A (The bad one)


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2001
Well, Im getting ready to plop this processor in. Just finished my second beer and figured Id better post what this processor is before its locked in and I have no clue as to what it was.

Costa Rica

Pack date - 09-05-2002

EDIT: After jumping the voltage up to 1.64-1.68 (Actual), it was able to boot at 133mhz FSB. No more than that. This must be a really poor chip I guess. I am going to stress test it tonight and see if it is indeed stable at this setting. Temps arent too bad at idle, so I think its okay but I didnt wanna go that high on voltage for this measely overclock.

Question now. Since I hit 133mhz FSB I guess I can try getting some better memory and running the memory timing at 3:4. How do I do this on the board? I know theres a jumper I have to switch, but I forgot which one. What will the memory actually run at, 350mhz? If thats the case I might just buy a stick of PC2700 and see if it will do it. Otherwise Ill just grab a stick of PC3000.

The only thing this computer will do is serve as a backup computer and a lan gaming computer. The PNY GeForce Ti500 seems to like more bandwidth/procssor power so this is the only reason why Im going to go to 3:4 memory ratio. Im running a real quick OC on the Ti500 to see what I gain with the card itself.

I just hit 9583 with 260/530 setting. Im pretty sure Ive pushed it farther without problems. Lets see if I can break 10,000!


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Ctkelly...set up a poll like a betting line....

I will pick 2.7ghz at default vcore for your asus mobo which should be like 1.54-1.56v...

Likely with no ram limitations and 1:1 ratio I say you will get 2.8ghz at 1.625 and 2880 at 1.7v actual!!!

Thugs and CrazySaint I think at very similar pack dates to yours and they got about that. They sacrificed cpu speed to get 400+ mhz ddr, but you wont have that limitation on you...


Platinum Member
May 3, 2002
Looks good, almost same exact specs as my 1.8A and one that TR had, so it should OC very well :)


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2001
Well if I knew how to setup the poll after I had created the message I would have done it. Heh...I'll have to try it sometime just so I know how to do it.

Oh well, we can take bets here anyways. Its almost completely together. Processor is in, hsf is in, northbridge is prepped and in, ram is in, soundcard, graphics card, etc etc. Have to connect a few fans up and test fire it tomorrow. Wanna make sure I got all those pesky leds connected properly. I might run the board threw windows 2000 setup at 2.4Ghz. It should be able to do it just fine, the last one did it at 2.7Ghz even though I later found it to be unstable there. Funny how you can install an entire operating system at 2.7, yet cant run prime95 for more than 15 seconds!

Side note.....on both cases I have, and on both asus motherboards...the holes for mounting dont line up worth a crap. Anyone else experience this? Using a antec like case..chieftec to be exact. Other motherboards line up within reason, but the asus is horrible.

I'll let ya guys know what I come up with tomorrow or the night after. Hopefully everything will go smoothly.

Nice to see all the gurus checking in on my newbie experience. This is the third pentium setup Ive done...I'm really diggin the P4's for sure!


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Personally....I would only have vid card installed and no other non-essential pci cards....

I would run ram at 1:1 ratio with default spd settings and definitely install OS at default speed...doesn't take much for a little piece of mind....

If you want to jump to 2.4ghz at default vcore is good choice...Then do like 135,140,145,150 and run prime95 for 1 hour each time until it fails then boost vcore up a notch and continue on....Only when you hit the end then start to tweak the ram timings...then run memtest86 and prime95 oevrnight and call it good!!!

Then I install my other cards and devices...


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2001
Newegg of course. My last one from newegg was a month older packdate I believe, but close in date anyways. Last one was a maylasia (spell check?).


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2001
t h a n k y o u t h u g s r o o k :D

Oh....before I get all O/C happy. The computer is on a UPS....good or bad thing for O/C? Just checking!


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2001
I have hit a huge wall. 133mhz FSB is a no go. Im double checking through settings, but I cant make it past 133. Im at 115 now (which sux) and havent tested for stability yet. There has to be something wrong here. I unhooked the UPS and plugged directly into the power also. Using stock voltage. This thing should be able to do more than that!!!!

PCI Latency timer 64
SDRAM Timer= 64
PCI Transaction= disabled and enabled
USB 2.0= disabled
Onboard sound= disabled
onboard serial and parallel= disabled

Im going threw more, but this is a real dissappointment if it cant do better than that.


Elite Member
Feb 3, 2001
revert these settings...
PCI Latency timer= 32
SDRAM Timer= infinite

how many sticks of ram?
agp/pci locked?
try 135fsb insted.

HTH :)


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2001
One stick, 512MB DDR from mushkin.

Gonna try your settings. AGP/PCI is locked out. Bios version I see it came with 1008.

Hit 125Mhz FSB no problem. With that it scores in sisoft higher than a 2.66 on the arith. test. Hmm...odd..this thing should be able to oc better than that. Be back in a few

EDIT: Something weird is happening. There is a huge wall at 133 and higher. I can hit 130 fine with stock voltage. Increasing voltage did no good at 135 either..in fact, the computer wouldnt even start up at 135 or 133mhz now. Going to check the 12V line too


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2001
Did USB legacy support. Gonna have to dig out a PS/2 mouse for the disabling of USB. Try in a few minutes.

EDIT: No good. Tried disabling both and restarting at 135mhz. Just wont do it. Really weird though. Maybe I just have a loser chip. Its clocked at 130mhz right now, gonna test its stability out for sure now.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
What brand and spec of ram are you using??? i know you said you don't have pc3200 stuff yet....Are you sure you are running 1:1 ratio and lowest possible ram settings??? Maybe boost vdimm up a notch...


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2001
PC2100 Mushkin 512MB DDR Cas 2-3-3 Ram. Standard timings, 1:1 setting. Doubt its the ram, Ive pushed that ram to 145mhz FSB before at Cas 2-2-2.

At this point Im not sure if its even the CPU holding me back really.

Voltage: 12V=11.90 3.3V=3.36 5V=5.18V
12V looks a little low. Its the sparkle 400 watt I took out of the other computer. I was able to run that processor up to 145mhz FSB no problem even with the low 12V.
I have all three power plugs in also btw.

It is stable at 130mhz FSB in prime95. Might run memtest tomorrow, but dont see much point in it really. Maybe for giggles I'll pull the PC3200 stick out of the other computer and put it in temporarily to see what happens. I doubt anything. Id hate to have to buy a 512MB stick of PC3200 now anyways, price just keeps going up.


Platinum Member
May 3, 2002
It definitely sounds like something other than the CPU to me. I'd try it out in another motherboard if I you have one.


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2001
No spare motherboard. I might try pulling it out and putting it into the P4PE board that Im running. Or I might just let it go really. Even at 2.34Ghz its going to do the job I want it to do. Anyways, no playing around swapping parts tonight. Just put in my new Hercules Fortissimo III 7.1 card, so Im gonna enjoy the night with some tunes.

Oh, some minor testing I did quickly with 3dmark 2001. At the 2.34Ghz mark the defualt clocked PNY GeForce3 Ti500 scored 9787 with the latest detonators. I havent tried overclocking the card yet with the new setup, but I do know it overclocks well. Lets just see how much performance I gain.


Golden Member
Aug 28, 2001
I have my 1.6A @2400(150fsb) on a P4PE and I can honestly
say this being my first Asus board it definitely rocks, compared
to some of my past overclocking adventures. By the way I picked
up the Fortissimo 7.1 last night and it is a great card for the
price. :) Anyway good luck!!!


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2001
BUMP -- I edited this to let you know how I came out on this deal.

Well, Im getting ready to plop this processor in. Just finished my second beer and figured Id better post what this processor is before its locked in and I have no clue as to what it was.

Costa Rica

Pack date - 09-05-2002

EDIT: After jumping the voltage up to 1.64-1.68 (Actual), it was able to boot at 133mhz FSB. No more than that. This must be a really poor chip I guess. I am going to stress test it tonight and see if it is indeed stable at this setting. Temps arent too bad at idle, so I think its okay but I didnt wanna go that high on voltage for this measely overclock.

Question now. Since I hit 133mhz FSB I guess I can try getting some better memory and running the memory timing at 3:4. How do I do this on the board? I know theres a jumper I have to switch, but I forgot which one. What will the memory actually run at, 350mhz? If thats the case I might just buy a stick of PC2700 and see if it will do it. Otherwise Ill just grab a stick of PC3000.

The only thing this computer will do is serve as a backup computer and a lan gaming computer. The PNY GeForce Ti500 seems to like more bandwidth/procssor power so this is the only reason why Im going to go to 3:4 memory ratio. Im running a real quick OC on the Ti500 to see what I gain with the card itself.

I just hit 9583 with 260/530 setting. Im pretty sure Ive pushed it farther without problems. Lets see if I can break 10,000!