The Connect3D is still a good bet..
I have one, and for $180, it is a smoking deal
I used the modified Connect3D bios to make it a full 16 pipe card...
I then modified the bios, raising the clock speeds to a conservitive level (Core 500, Mem 500), and I also modified the device ID. I then flashed with my modified bios.
My card is now recognized as an X800 XT at 500/500 clock/mem speeds @ 16P
The core on this particular card I have in my possession I believe has much more headroom on the core. I benchmarked under load with the core at 550 and the GPU temp stayed right under 70C throughout the load.. Using ATI Tool, "Find Max Core" I ran it one night, and forgot about it while taking a shower, and noticed the computer locked up... I rebooted, checked the ATI Tool log file, and at the point it locked up the core had made it to 660. When I did this, this was also before I knew about how to control the fan on the card using ati tool, so I didn't have it set properly, so my temps were most likely the culprit on my lockup.. So if I get a better cooling solution, I believe over 600 on the core would be very likely, running 24/7 would be of no concern..
Now the memory on the otherhand, starts artifacting above 520 on my card.. 2.0ns memory just doesn't seem to have much headroom.... but this is really different on every card.. your mileage may vary though...