Unable to Ping Home PC


Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2001

I have a wifi router at home connecting my home network. I have left all settings consistent for 2+ years. I run RDP, FTP, Torrents, etc. behind my router with the appropriate ports forwarded.

1 month ago my internet went down for a week. I came back from vacation and it was back up. This problem was with the cable modem not receiving any signal, nothing to do with my network.

Now, I can't reach my pc remotely. I tried pinging the IP of the router and it times out. My PC connects to the internet just fine, and I can even seed my torrents, so there is some connectivity.

What could be causing this? My router config is the same. Could my ISP be blocking ping responses and/or other protocols? They already block port 21 for ftp, but I run my server on an alternate port for connectivity.


Elite Member
Dec 24, 2005
I've never heard of any ISP blocking Pings.

Are you sure you are pinging the correct IP address? That certainly sounds like the problem.

If you verify that you have the correct IP address and verify that Ping responses are turned ON in the router's settings, then it's likely the router is "broken". You can try re-flashing its firmware.

If necessary, you can test your router by disconnecting it from the Internet and setting its WAN side to a static IP/Subnet Mask. Then attach another PC to the WAN connector of the router. This PC should be set to an IP/Subnet Mask that puts it on the same subnet as the router.

You can then use the PC to test how your router responds to incoming packets on the various TCP ports you require.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Assuming you have windows---go start---run---type cmd in dialog box and hit enter---then in the new dialog box that pops up, type ipconfig /all and enter (note, there is a space between g and / )

That should give you the straight poop on what the ip addresses are now.


Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2001
Originally posted by: jlazzaro
what happens if you telnet to your wan address on an open tcp port?

ok, that helped. trying the ports i forwarded for ftp resulted in no response, but i was able to connect on another port i forwarded for a different protocol. So now I just need to look into the ftp port forwarding.
