U.S. Military Jet Aircraft Thread...Air Force & Navy

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Semper Fi

Golden Member
Dec 2, 1999
I like the look of the F-4's, loud suckers though.
The F-5's are prettly sleek, like little darts.
The SR-71 is pretty cool also, that one is even louder. :D, I LIKE IT! (Got to see a good bit of them at Kadena AFB)

Tripleshot----Yes, watching an SR-71 take off is an experience to see and feel.

charrison-----Agreed. The A-10 is an ugly little beast, but they sure can chew up some tanks.

My two favorites are the F/A-18 and the F-4


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: NFS4
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: NFS4

And although it never went into service, the XB70 Valkeryie has got to be the most MAGNIFICENT aircraft EVER flown...BAR NONE :D

i've pet the only existing xb-70

funny that they have that at wright-patterson but the sr-71 had been put away somewhere. the xb-70 is passe in comparison to the sr-71...

Do you know what an engineering marvel the XB-70 was compared to the SR-71?? Do you realize how LARGE the XB-70 was compared to the SR-71 yet it still had the same top speed????

IMHO, the SR71 is small potatoes compared to the XB-70 :D

dude... i've stood next to the xb70... it was bigger than the room the sr71 was supposed to be in... i know how big it is from first hand experience. and the top speed has never been disclosed on the sr-71. heck, an f-4 phantom comes damned close to the disclosed speed, which really just shows you that if you have big enough engines even a brick can fly.



Mar 3, 2000
Originally posted by: JC
SR71 isn't as pretty landing after a flight. ;) I wonder if there are any pics?

Did someone say pics?

Yeah, but is there one showing the plane hemorrhaging?

on discovery wings, they talked about how the XB70 was built in response to a Russian bomber that never was. :) The F-15 and some of our other planes are the result of phantom aircraft that we thought the Soviets possessed.


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: NFS4
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: NFS4

And although it never went into service, the XB70 Valkeryie has got to be the most MAGNIFICENT aircraft EVER flown...BAR NONE :D

i've pet the only existing xb-70

funny that they have that at wright-patterson but the sr-71 had been put away somewhere. the xb-70 is passe in comparison to the sr-71...

Do you know what an engineering marvel the XB-70 was compared to the SR-71?? Do you realize how LARGE the XB-70 was compared to the SR-71 yet it still had the same top speed????

IMHO, the SR71 is small potatoes compared to the XB-70 :D

dude... i've stood next to the xb70... it was bigger than the room the sr71 was supposed to be in... i know how big it is from first hand experience. and the top speed has never been disclosed on the sr-71. heck, an f-4 phantom comes damned close to the disclosed speed, which really just shows you that if you have big enough engines even a brick can fly.

Top speed for the SR-71 is Mach 3.2. Top speed for the F4 was between Mach 2 and Mach 2.5. And the XB-70 is no where near a brick in design or shape. You need to check out that link I posted to get the full effect of the XB-70.


Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
The SR-71 is pretty cool also, that one is even louder. , I LIKE IT! (Got to see a good bit of them at Kadena AFB)

1962nd Comm Group, Kadena, 68-71.

F4s are very loud. Like thunder and lightning.

Fond memories.

Except for body bags lined up on the flight line waiting for a C-5 to come and take them to thier grieving families.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: NFS4
Top speed for the SR-71 is Mach 3.2. Top speed for the F4 was between Mach 2 and Mach 2.5. And the XB-70 is no where near a brick in design or shape. You need to check out that link I posted to get the full effect of the XB-70.
one day the f4 hit mach 3. yes, the engines needed to be rebuilt after that, the military 100% might be 2.5, but faster has been done. and no, the xb70 is no a brick, i was calling the f4 a brick.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: JC
Wow, I'm shocked...:Q

The XB-70 and the F-16 are my faves too. Saw the last Valkyrie at Wright-Patterson AFB....awesome!

Piston-engined, nothing compares to the P51D....except maybe the F-82 ;)


no way dude... the F4UF rawks!

Semper Fi

Golden Member
Dec 2, 1999
Originally posted by: Tripleshot
The SR-71 is pretty cool also, that one is even louder. , I LIKE IT! (Got to see a good bit of them at Kadena AFB)

1962nd Comm Group, Kadena, 68-71.

F4s are very loud. Like thunder and lightning.

Fond memories.

Except for body bags lined up on the flight line waiting for a C-5 to come and take them to thier grieving families.

I was at Camp Foster and got to spend some time at Kadena. (Great food! :D)

I was there quite a bit later, 86-87.
Thankfully the C-5's weren't waiting for the same shipment.



Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2002
SR-71 is by far the best spy plane. One squadron commander I worked for was a '71 pilot. He even had a kill to his credit and it isn't even armed. The A-10 is also a beauty.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2000
Originally posted by: broon
SR-71 is by far the best spy plane. One squadron commander I worked for was a '71 pilot. He even had a kill to his credit and it isn't even armed. The A-10 is also a beauty.

What, and you aren't going to elaborate? :confused:


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2002
The SR-71 cannot be armed. If it fires a bullet, it will run into it.
By flying by another aircraft at supersonic speed, the sonic boom can knock the other aircraft out of the sky.
The '71 also flys above 90,000 feet.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2001
"The Right Stuff" is one of my all-time favourite movies :D! As to the planes...

A-10 Warthog (So ugly it looks good!)
F/A-18 Hornet (The finnish air-force uses those, so I may be biased ;))
SR-71 Blackbird (My favourite plane when I was a kid :))

But I must say that nr. 1 spot in my hear is held by this (I dunno that can you consider it to be a jet, but it's COOL!):

The X-15


Dec 17, 1999
Originally posted by: zer0burn
theres a story behind the avro arrow only one got off the ground. They say it went on a final voyage and crashed into Lake Ontario. Turns up it was the truth I think as one person reconstructed it.

BTW the people who worked on the avro arrow ended up being some of the main people involved in the space program that sent the first ship to the moon

I don't know about the crashing but they did make 6 ......... which where destroyed after the program was scraped......... the 'rebuilt' one you are talking about is actually a full size replica that does not work.



Dec 17, 1999
I like:

Prop planes:
F4UF Corsair
P51 Mustang
A6M Zero (I think that is the designation)
FW 190 (butcher bird)
Super Marine Spitfire

F18 Hornet
A10 Warthog
X70 Valkyre

Fictional: FireFox ;)



Oct 9, 1999
A note for F-16 fans: Most people in the Air Force refer to it as the Viper, not the Fighting Falcon. I was told the other day that USAF has actually changed the official designation, but I haven't seen anything confirming that (and I can't view most .mil sites from home anymore).

It is true that American aircraft are not the most advanced. Many foreign aircraft do outperform our fighters.

Care to name them? I'm curious.

Wouldn't stealth technology inhibit it's performance with regard to speed and manuverability?

For manuverability, yes. For speed, not really. The F-22 is supposedly capable (Jane's info) of Mach 1.5 without afterburners -- hardly a slow aircraft even with stealth. The decision was made to limit the vectored thrust of the engines to 2D only (up and down), partially in relation to stealth. However, I remember reading about some other concerns over the 3D vectored thrust design, which the Russian technology demonstrator Su-37 has.

There are F-4s flying near Kadena to this day -- flown by the Japanese Air Self Defense Force though. :) If you fly into Naha during the week, you can see them lined up either on the tarmac or in their hardened shelters.

One of the loudest planes I've heard is the U-2. It has a very distinctive roar that doesn't seem to lessen too much as it climbs. Strange bird!


Dec 17, 1999
Yeah I read in a book about fighters that they changed the F-16 frfom falcon to viper.......... it was a suprise to me also :)



Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2001
Originally posted by: AndrewR
It is true that American aircraft are not the most advanced. Many foreign aircraft do outperform our fighters.

Care to name them? I'm curious.

That's more or less impossible question to answer. What american planes are you going to be using in your comparison? What foreign planes? What features are you going to compare? I think overall american planes are best in the world, but there are lots of non-american planes that are really good. For example Rafale (France) Eurofighter (EU), SU-27 Flanker (Russia), Tornado (UK, Italy, Germany), JAS Gripen (Sweden) and so on, But overall it's difficult to say that are any of those planes better than some american plane. I mean, Plane A might be faster than plane B, but plane B is more agile. Which of those planes is best overall?

The world is full of excellent aircraft, both american and non-american :). What really matter is what you do with those planes and how you train your pilots.


Golden Member
Jul 21, 2001
As for the F/A 18 bit, it was designed a bit after the f-16/f-15

I thought the F/A 18 was a slightly redesigned F-17, which was the competitor/ eventual loser to the F-16 in a competition for the Air Force. The Navy liked it because it could replace the aging A-7 Corsair Attack aircraft & be a cheaper fighter alternative to the F-14 plus it had 2 engines(a Navy requirement).

Could be wrong though...
