Typing: do you type more characters with your left or right hand, and if it's your dominant, is it BECAUSE of your fast hand being the dominant one?


Junior Member
May 1, 2023
I had read somewhere, some time ago that FOR THE MOST PART, people tend to type more characters with their left hand only because while using hand placement on the keyboard, there's more common characters on the left than on the right. But just before I posted this thread, I read an article saying the exact opposite. Going back, I'm left handed, but I don't believe at all that I type more with my left than my right because of that.

Let's do a test. On the left we have W,E,R,T,Y,A,S,D,G,C, that I would consider the common characters...on the right, we have I, O, H, L, N, M, and special characters. However, you don't generally use the special characters as often as letters. Please chime in and tell me:

A. If you think or know you type more characters with your left hand or right hand.
B. If my "important character list" is what you would say it is.
C. If you think my analysis is spot on or a crap. Ty.

P.S. I put W and Y because you'd be surprised how many words actually start with 'w', without even thinking about it. And 'y' because we have 7 days of the week that end in 'y' and a lot of words that do. And G because there's a lot of "-ing" going on.


Oct 22, 1999
I type more with my left, my left hand crosses the middle by at least one column all the time, but my right never crosses. I think this is because I learned touch typing playing Quake and Team Fortress. So my right hand was camped out on the arrow keys or mouse.


Oct 10, 1999
When I used a dvorak keyboard, I probably pretty balanced left to right.

Since I switched back to QWERTY a number of years ago I make more typographical errors and the backspace key is on the right, so, i wind up using the right side of the keyboard more.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2000
I type more with my left, my left hand crosses the middle by at least one column all the time, but my right never crosses. I think this is because I learned touch typing playing Quake and Team Fortress. So my right hand was camped out on the arrow keys or mouse.
You use your right hand for both arrow keys and the mouse? How do you move and turn at the same time?


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
On this keyboard that doesn't get used at all for gaming, I can see the E, A, O, and L keys show the most visible wear.