Nancy Grace - I'm convinced that some replica of Nancy Grace and her snarling, judgemental, piggish snout awaits those who are sent to the gates of Hell.
Ty Pennington - incredibly annoying, hugely fake, totally disingeniune, completely over the top for the camera.
Rosie O'Donnell - seems to revel in being a nasty, rude, crude, cackling hog. Those grainy vids that she releases from her Fortress of Disgustitude with some lackey snickering beside her are incomprehensibly vile.
Mike Patrick - announcer. When a semi-big play happens, he *always* completely overreacts in a loud monotone burst of crap, but it's always a couple beats too late, so it comes off as not a natural reaction to the play, but something calculated and forced. Atrocious play by play.
Joe Theismann - condescending asshole on TV, can't imagine how awful he is IRL.
Sean Salisbury - total asshole with asinine football analysis.
ESPN as an entity - Honorable Mention for ruining sports. Screw you guys.