Found this video a while back: Link, and it looks fairly simple, but I need to know a few things. I found a guy on Ebay selling three 250mW 650nm Red High Power Laser Diodes for $48.00 (which sounds cheaper than buying a DVD burner to get a diode) but I don't know the mW of the average DVD burner diode, and whether the ones this Ebay guy is selling are stronger or weaker. Also, from what I understand, the lower the mW, the stronger the laser, but I'm wondering if the mW is too low, will two AA batteries have enough power to fire up the diode, or would I need a larger power source?
And, what's the difference between a red, blue, and green laser (besides the color). Is one color stronger than the others?
And, what's the difference between a red, blue, and green laser (besides the color). Is one color stronger than the others?