Try researching befor ya do this.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
To keep clear of offending anyone. I coped this from another forum. I could have used a post from here but this is better this way. Please read this statement.

Now for fun. Underline all false statemets. Than there is this OH my God Intel is going to rape us on prices.

Problem with this theory is its AMD fanbois saying it. It also is a lie . If Intel CPU'd are more powerful and efficient. Than AMD processors will be selling very cheap. SO this in fact would be cause for a more diverse pricing . If you want the top of the line you have to pay for it . Just like we did 11/2 years ago when AMD had the performance lead.

ANYway here is the comment I coped.

there are many microprocessor companies but not as many as software companies.

The two markets are not the same, software companies can develop on the platform's of their choice. x86-64 is the only microprocessor platform that is supported by every software company and only platform that a microprocessor company such as AMD can compete in. Even Intel does not have the power to move the markets on to a new platform, we are yet to see anything from IA64. But Intel is sole controller of the x86 platform and they are the ones that give out licence's meaning that if they do anything that would eliminate competition from the market would be seen as major case of monopoly and the government will have to step in.

MS has the Windows as the OS platform but in case of software Linux and Unix markets are prominent enough for monopoly not be as clear cut as with x86-64 case.

Remember how AMD got started? The law will step in again if it needs to. However unlike before AMD is major contributor to the x86 platform as its now called x86-64 thanks to their additions which means that Intel has not got 100% rights over the platform which means that AMD can be sold on and the new owner can retain the x86-64 licence.

Intel has been killing its margins as much it can afford to put pressure on AMD so that they have a reason to go back to high margins that they enjoyed for so long. They have now achieved that and are backing off not for sake of AMD but for sake of their own profits, they want them back.

The only parts of AMD i believe need to be fired are the CEO and the PR team. The CEO for not seeing as marketing being #2 most important part of his company's success, and the PR team because they managed to kill off the little bit of faith people had in AMD since these days every rumour thrown out about them is believed more then the actual press release coming from AMD. Such us this one we are discussing in this thread and the ones on the delay of R700.

Shintai, you can believe what ever you like about us who put a little bit faith in AMD instead of rumours, but let me just explain you this. Your constant negativity on AMD is just waste of your time and the only thing that comes out of it is people getting annoyed at your constant ignorance for other peoples right to their own opinion. Also your ignorance to the points of the argument that don't allow you to reach the conclusion you like.

With AMD struggling all of us are suffering as that means lower performance and higher prices from our PC's, and with your blind support to Intel you only make these times that much worse and annoying as many of us have to spend a lot of our time stopping you from spreading rumours as facts.


Jul 25, 2003
Its Christmas morning and you start a thread by quoting a post from another forum for the purpose of ....what? to have fun mocking someone.

If I had posted what you did, and for the same reasons I would be ashamed of myself, and to do it on Christmas morning ...
If you can stand in front of a mirror after posting this and not see the bias in the person staring back at you, you are blind (in one way or another).

Merry Christmas.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Yes it is Christmas morning. Happy Birthday Christ. and a merry day to all.

Please. It is Chrismas. It is infact a day to remeber Gods greatest gigt to mankind.

It is also a day to remember what that man taught us.

Thats what this post comes down to. Its not an attack on the Poster . Just his message. Which has NO real bases for fact . Lets look at it. THE Message and not the poster!

First he rants how MS isn't a monoply based on the fact many other players produce software.

Well I lot of other players also produce micro chips. So I guess it comes down to what kind of software were talking about and if its tied to an OS system. Same applies to micro chips. There are a limited number of X86 licenses. Intel owns all rights to it and all improvements made to it . No matter who makes said additions all license holders of x86 processors pay Intel royalities

What % of desktop and Mobile PC run MS OS? I would say the ans. will = about the same as Intels % of same market. But I haven't checked so . I shouldn't say. But I would guess its very close to =.

Intel invented the X86 processor. AMD was contracted by intel as a second source. AS IBM the true monopolst at the time FORCED intel into a second source which turned out to be AMD.
Than AMD reversed engineered Intels 386 processor . I again just by memory. They went to court. Intel made an agreement to licenese x86 to AMD.

THE post I coped makes claims about what Intel can do with X86-64 if Intel revokes AMDs license. The poster should read the agreement befor he talks. It was posted here recently. I believe for a good members here benefit.

Than the poster goes on to say Because AMD doesn't have a product that is = to Intel that Intel will Charge higher prices. SO WHAT. They are still going to have products priced at AMDs Top performers prices. SO it will be a lowend intel product big deal. It will still be cheap, and O/C like really well ha know that!

Ya Intel will have higher priced processors also. I myself like this better anyway. When I buy I normally get top of the line which = higher cost. Just to have low budget setups = my higher cost setups performance.

Know when Nehalem is finally released . Will be the first time buying top of the line will actually be way better than the lower other 2 lines. I love this 3 platform setup.

It puts real choice bacK into the equation.
Lowend without IMC will compete with AMD on the desktop and Mobile . THIS ONE WILL BE CHEAP.
Intels Mid range Nehalem
Has IMC and Quick path . This one will sell for a little less than todays QC2D.

Intels TOP end . Desktop and Server. This one will allow dual socket setup . And be PRICED for THE XTREME!

So I see nothing wrong with intels planning or their new 3 tier performance and price structure. IF this guy believes Intel won't have a = priced chip performance wise with AMD he is really reaching. It wouldn't even make since.

The other part of this lawsuite problem is this.

AMD claims Intel used EVIL business practices to keep them down. Intel needs to show the courts that AMD simply can't compete with Intel and thats the trueth. So AMD got lucky with AMD 64. Plus the fact that the orginal core AMD reverse engineered also had provisions for multi cores built into the core. Same as Intels Pro processor. Which was 1 of the reason the Israel team choose the pro to do Dothan. This really helped AMD as X2 was easier for them to do.

Intels P4 did not have this core provision.
Right now IF AMD went belly up . WHO could blame intels business practices?

AMD is looking for another handout from the courts . I believe Intel Over the last 2 years has shown to all that AMD biggest problem is AMD managment.

IF AMD goes down its because they dropped the ball. 2 years ago all I heard is how smart Hector the jester was! God like.

Now that the Hammer processor is no longer King. Tell what Hector has done.

Hector had nothing to do with Hammers development. Sanders was the CEO that developed it. Hector was the ceo in power when it released.

Now for the last part. Margins. Intel has stated time and time again they want 60% margins. If Intel frooze prices right now. By qt.2 08 they will easliy have 60% margins on the 45nm process.

Many of you guys may not like the fact Intel will produce 3 differant platiforms . I think its great. If you pay top bucks thats what ya should get. If you want cheap thats going to be available also. But to have bragging rights in 09 late 08 your going to have to put out some $$$. Its the first time I ever seen a fair choice and its all coming from one company. I am sure O/C will get those mid range parts to fly. But they won't fly with the topend parts. About time!


Jul 25, 2003
After reading your response all I can do is quote myself.

"If you can stand in front of a mirror after posting this and not see the bias in the person staring back at you, you are blind (in one way or another). "