Trump to AOC + progressives in Congress: Why don't you go back to where you came from.. you can't leave fast enough!

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May 19, 2011
Ok buddy. Whatever you say. For something to be racist one would have to dispereage another race or say one race was better than another. Which he didn't do. It wasn't racist.

I honestly thought the most childish way to defend racists incorrectly would be to claim that if they didn't use globally-acknowledged racial slurs (such as the N-word) then they weren't racist, but I guess you found another way.

Well done sir, you deserve a "I'm not racist, but..." gold star.

I have to say though, I'm a little confused, when Trump tells people to "go back where they came from", he's not being racist, but you think this lady was?

Another racist rant by a simple white person. /yawn. Unfortunately for her, Trump wont deport her.

She used exactly the same racist trope, nor did she satisfy either of your requirements for racism as far as I can see.
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May 30, 2008
Ok buddy. Whatever you say. For something to be racist one would have to dispereage another race or say one race was better than another. Which he didn't do. It wasn't racist.

You don't really need it explained to you, do you? You're just being dishonest. But I need a distraction so I'm going to anyway.

He implied the PoC representatives were somehow not 'really' American and had an 'own country' to 'go back to'. That is indeed saying one race is 'better' than another, it's saying white people have a higher, and more-secure, level of citizenship than those who aren't fully white. That is quite clearly, undeniably, racist.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Man so this thread has both the ‘its most racist if he didn’t use the n-word’ argument and the ‘Trump is playing 25 dimensional chess’ thing.

1) If you think Trump would have told a group of white people to go back to the countries they came from you’re delusional.

2) If you think Trump is a genius for painting people as socialists you’ve been in a coma for the last 50 years as that’s the Republican game plan in every election.

3) If you think making racist comments about his political opponents is Trump employing some grand strategy then you’re going to need to explain why not only does he not employ a grand strategy in anything else he does but also why those who have worked with him most closely have said he’s incapable of it.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I honestly thought the most childish way to defend racists incorrectly would be to claim that if they didn't use globally-acknowledged racial slurs (such as the N-word) then they weren't racist, but I guess you found another way.

Well done sir, you deserve a "I'm not racist, but..." gold star.

I have to say though, I'm a little confused, when Trump tells people to "go back where they came from", he's not being racist, but you think this lady was?

She used exactly the same racist trope, nor did she satisfy either of your requirements for racism as far as I can see.

I would like to hear an explanation for this as well.
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Dec 12, 2000
Oh man, I LOLed at the part where folks who voted for and/or support Trump are accusing anyone else of hating their country. That is some epic trolling right there!


Feb 6, 2002
I wonder why he didn’t tell Megan Rapinoe to go back to her country?
She doesn't fit the birtherism meme that black people don't belong in this country and should just leave.

He's been easier on her because she has a lot of white suburban fans. She was taking a knee in support of Kapernick and his cause. However the league changed their rules forcing her to stand.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
She doesn't fit the birtherism meme that black people don't belong in this country and should just leave.

He's been easier on her because she has a lot of white suburban fans. She was taking a knee in support of Kapernick and his cause. However the league changed their rules forcing her to stand.

Exactly. He didn’t say it because she was white and the assumption is white people are Americans while nonwhites are suspect.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
If anybody doubts that Trump is cannonballing into the pool of racism intentionally:

Trump told advisers later that he was pleased with his meddling, believing that dividing Democrats would be helpful to him, as would elevating any self-proclaimed socialists as a way to frighten voters to steer clear of their liberal politics, the Republicans said.

Methods aside his tactics already seem be be backfiring as this has just pushed the Dems together again.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Area racist president eager to re-litigate his long history of doing and saying racist things:

Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 9.08.14 AM.png

Like do you want news channels to just run your Charlottesville comments over and over again?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Area racist president eager to re-litigate his long history of doing and saying racist things:

View attachment 8502

Like do you want news channels to just run your Charlottesville comments over and over again?

Good news guys, the guy who said he didn't want black people handling his money because they were lazy doesn't have a racist bone in his body.

Crisis averted. Whew.


Feb 6, 2002
Good news guys, the guy who said he didn't want black people handling his money because they were lazy doesn't have a racist bone in his body.

Crisis averted. Whew.
And did you know Mexicans don't have the intellectual capacity to functions as federal judges? Not racist


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Good news guys, the guy who said he didn't want black people handling his money because they were lazy doesn't have a racist bone in his body.

Crisis averted. Whew.

"no racist bones" looking likely to exceed "thoughts and prayers" level of meaningless.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
If anybody doubts that Trump is cannonballing into the pool of racism intentionally:

Methods aside his tactics already seem be be backfiring as this has just pushed the Dems together again.
But he has managed to confirm my theory that Trumpers believe that defending someone's right to speak is the same as defending what is being spoken.
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Jan 8, 2010
I'm glad he cleared up any confusion with that "I don't have a racist bone in my body' tweet. I was beginning to think his next step was black face.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
If anybody doubts that Trump is cannonballing into the pool of racism intentionally:

Methods aside his tactics already seem be be backfiring as this has just pushed the Dems together again.

Yep...that's his grand plan. He saw AOC attack Pelosi and thought he could exploit that to his benefit. But It's amazing Trump supporters think this is some kind of political win. Trump is simply attacking a group of first term congresswomen who have criticized him. He's running with the narrative of racists that people born elsewhere in the world, and then join our great nation cannot criticize this/his government. tell that to all the people who fled eastern Europe, Mexico, who escaped the Nazis, escaped the soviet union, only to become indispensable contributers to our nation.

Trump is simply - a Bully. That's it really. He's a thin skinned pussy who holds grudges forever. I'm sure he still hasn't gotten over when Tlaib - back in January saying of Trump: “We’re going to impeach this motherfucker!”. I'm sure he stews about it to this day.

Actually...He's been known to stew even longer than that:

likeso many bullies, Trump has skin of gossamer. He thinks nothing of saying the most hurtful thing about someone else, but when he hears a whisper that runs counter to his own vainglorious self-image, he coils like a caged ferret. Just to drive him a little bit crazy, I took to referring to him as a "short-fingered vulgarian" in the pages of Spy magazine. That was more than a quarter of a century* ago. To this day, I receive the occasional envelope from Trump. There is always a photo of him -- generally a tear sheet from a magazine. On all of them he has circled his hand in gold Sharpie in a valiant effort to highlight the length of his fingers....

As of 2015; it's now "more than three decades ago":

In1988, Spy magazine described Donald Trump as "a short-fingered vulgarian."

Before the election,I'd been vaguely aware of Trump as an unpleasant celebrity in whom I had no interest in.

But the anecdote about Trump continuing to send photos with circled hands (to the guy who'd coined the "short-fingered vulgarian" description) was a real eye opener. I realized that there was something profoundly wrong with his brain. Trump is straight up - full stop - mentally ill.
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I wonder if blackangst1's obstinate rage in this thread as he tries to defend the same racism in Trump while condemning the very same in another "lazy white woman," making pedestrian, illogical arguments to defend his wholly untenable position, is the result of his brain no longer being capable of defending his own broken nonsense.

His id knows that he is being a fucking idiot, that he has nothing to stand on, but the ego is still demanding that he defend MAGA at all costs. It's what his handlers have demanded of him, so this jump to rage mode in this thread is the very public battle between his psyches as the primitive, but very tiny and shrunken parts of what remain of his logic centers desperately claw back to force some sort of decency and respect for the biological flesh bag that carries it.

GOP gaslighting for all these years is a very powerful thing. It is causing TDS sufferers, like blackangst1 and others of recent note to destroy themselves in very public ways.


Feb 23, 2005
I wonder if blackangst1's obstinate rage in this thread as he tries to defend the same racism in Trump while condemning the very same in another "lazy white woman," making pedestrian, illogical arguments to defend his wholly untenable position, is the result of his brain no longer being capable of defending his own broken nonsense.

His id knows that he is being a fucking idiot, that he has nothing to stand on, but the ego is still demanding that he defend MAGA at all costs. It's what his handlers have demanded of him, so this jump to rage mode in this thread is the very public battle between his psyches as the primitive, but very tiny and shrunken parts of what remain of his logic centers desperately claw back to force some sort of decency and respect for the biological flesh bag that carries it.

GOP gaslighting for all these years is a very powerful thing. It is causing TDS sufferers, like blackangst1 and others of recent note to destroy themselves in very public ways.

Im not raging at all. In fact quite the opposite! Im quite amused how easily you are trolled LOL


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
No it doesn't. If someone doesn't like our country the can get the fuck out. Plain and simple. America was never meant to glorify and accommodate everyone (extremists for example). If you want to live in a country that supports that feel free.

I suppose all those tea party complainers from the Obama era can also GTFO. And trump. He kept calling US cities centers of carnage. I guess he should GTFO too. And everyone who was complaining about US asylum laws and are trying to change it right now, they should just leave because if they don't like our immigration policy they can get out. And all those teachers striking for better wages? All those military guys asking for better healthcare and post combat psychiatric and social support? Kick them out too. Bloody communist complainers they are Yeah! Does that sound right?